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[通讯编程文档] 汉明码

汉明码(Hamming Code),是在电信领域的一种线性调试码,以发明者理查德·卫斯里·汉明的名字命名。汉明码在传输的消息流中插入验证码,当计算机存储或移动数据时,可能会产生数据位错误,以侦测并更正单一比特错误。
Hamming Code is a linear debugging code in the field of telecommunications, named after the inventor Richard Wesley Hamming. Hamming code inserts a verification code into the transmitted message stream. When the computer stores or moves data, it may generate a data bit error to detect and correct a single bit error. (2019-11-07, WORD, 26KB, 下载0次)
