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[P2P编程] IpacLinker

IpacLinker 是一款点对点网络连接工具, 基于 WebRTC. 可用于 Minecraft 联机和开服, 或者远程桌面 网络驱动器等应用的连接
IpacLinker is a peer-to-peer network connection tool based on WebRTC Can be used for connection of Minecraft online and open service, or remote desktop network drive and other applications (2024-02-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[P2P编程] WebrtcNodeJS

视频会议,音频视频通话,内网穿透,Webrtc,webrtc服务端构建,webrtc完整视频讲解请加VX :mm14525201314包含“ p2p通信原理内网穿透原理,IceCandidate交换,sdp交换”,
Video conference, audio and video call, intranet penetration, Webrtc, webrtc server construction, webrtc full video explanation, please add VX: mm14525201314, including "p2p communication principle, intranet penetration principle, IceCandidate exchange, sdp exchange", (2023-01-11, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)
