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[SQL Server] oject-jsp-sqlServer-TaichungCityUrbanDevelopment-

台中市都市發展局-都市設計服務網 2.0.0
Taichung Urban Development Bureau - Urban Design Service Network 2.0.0 (2024-01-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] RetroLog

Backwork server for students at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, (2023-07-31, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Hotel-Website-ASP

An ASP.net Web Site developed for a resort in Sri Lanka. This web application was developed on top C#.NET, which was designed following the Three Tier Architecture. The website is also integrated with MS-SQL Server. The web application was developed to cater to Globalization requirements which allows users to translate the entire website to (2017-01-14, JavaScript, 6671KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] SisTur-Backend

拉巴斯信息应用程序的节点后端应用程序和SQL Server(酒店和地点)
Aplicación backend en nodejs y SQL Server de la app de información turística de La Paz (hoteles y sitios turísticos) (2022-04-29, JavaScript, 101KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] forum-for-devs_server

Este repositório traz uma API Rest em NodeJS de um fórum de perguntas公司。埃斯塔API服务于seus dados para uma aplica o w...
Este repositório traz uma API Rest em NodeJS de um fórum de perguntas. Esta API serve seus dados para uma aplica??o web desenvolvida em ReactJS. (2020-09-27, JavaScript, 2238KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] mqtt-database-connection

Conex o do banco de dados SQL Server com服务商mqtt。
Conex o do banco de dados SQL Server com servidor mqtt. (2020-12-08, JavaScript, 15KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] l2jAngel-CT3.0

Pure heaven 2CT3.00 a key server, a Russian source compiler, without any changes, everything is plain. Mysql integration, after decompression sequence start. (2016-06-15, JavaScript, 27794KB, 下载8次)
