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[MySQL数据库] 2-Ano_Instituto-Federal-LACIF

Um sismama eficient para gest o de labatórios de análises clínicas,desenvolvido em PHP,HTML e MySQL。和平地籍,检查机构,在线检查结果,控制通常情况。这就是文达斯!
Um sistema eficiente para gest o de laboratórios de análises clínicas, desenvolvido em PHP, HTML e MySQL. Cadastro de pacientes, agendamento de exames, acesso online a resultados e controle de usuários. Contribui es s o bem-vindas! (2024-02-15, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] cadastroLivros_fullStack_mysql

Projeto Realizationdo no curso do zero a Maertian马修斯·巴蒂斯蒂
Projeto realizado no curso do zero a maestria - matheus battisti (2023-12-06, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] django_aplikacja

普拉卡·马吉斯特斯卡。Aplikacja wykorzystuj ca框架Django。Tworzy stron internetow na której znajduj si wykresy temptury i na w...
PRACA MAGISTERSKA. Aplikacja wykorzystuj?ca framework Django. Tworzy stron? internetow? na której znajduj? si? wykresy temperatury i na?wietlenia w czasie. Dane s? pobierane z bazy danych MySQL. Do wykresów i analityki danych wykorzystano pyplotlib i pandas. (2023-11-13, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] trybe_exercicios

Portfolio of exercises and activities performed by Raphael Martins during the Web Development course at Trybe. (2022-10-29, JavaScript, 4242KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] changgou_shop

微服务电商项目-畅购商城 一、技术架构 前端及WEB技术栈 Vue.js Node.js Lua HTML5 ElementUl Theamleaf 运维技术栈 Cannal Docker容器 FastDFS Eureka集群 Red...
Micro service e-commerce project - Changgou Mall 1. Technical architecture front-end and WEB technology stack Vue.js Node.js Lua HTML5 ElementUl Theamleaf operation and maintenance technology stack Canal Docker container FastDFS Eureka cluster Red (2023-03-04, JavaScript, 127857KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] geekHome

Geek House is a community for geeks. Here, everyone can share more interesting things they are doing, recent learning, exchange ideas, and find friends to meet more interesting people. (2017-12-14, JavaScript, 8199KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] node-tesla-data

App which pulls and stores Tesla data in a MySQL database (2023-01-26, JavaScript, 26KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] tomato-work-server

Tomato Work Server for Egg.js (2022-09-18, JavaScript, 172KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] python_crawler

It s designed to be a simple, tiny, pratical python crawler using json and sqlite instead of mysql or mongdb. The destination website is Zhihu.com. (2019-12-05, JavaScript, 5759KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] GeekMovie

GeekMovie 极客影院是一个免费的在线观影系统,本网站内容使用Python爬虫技术收集于互联网上公开资源,提供最优质的web界面服务,但不提供也不参与影片档案录制、下载、上传、储存。本站资源永久免费共享、无需安装任何插件、免注册...
GeekMovie Geek Cinema is a free online viewing system. The content of this website is collected using Python crawler technology and publicly available resources on the internet, providing the highest quality web interface services. However, it does not provide or participate in the recording, downloading, uploading, or storage of movie files. This website s resources are permanently shared for free, without the need to install any plugins, and free of registration (2020-07-18, JavaScript, 24371KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] esaymarket

Drag and drop to generate landing pages, apps, and mini programs to achieve integration of testing, development, operation, maintenance, deployment, and customer service (2022-12-14, JavaScript, 746KB, 下载0次)
