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[Web商城] classy-fee-system

Simplify school payments, Classy Fee System. With the magic of Laravel, the speed of Vite, and the coolness of AdminLTE. Effortless fee management for schools, principals, and stress-free payments for students and parents. (2023-08-23, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web商城] Multivendor-e-Commerce-website

This is a Multivendor e-commerce website created by PHP, MySQL. LARAVEL-9, AJAX. Also Added Payment gateway System, SMS Sending, Email Service Option, PDF, Excel Download Options (2022-09-06, JavaScript, 21322KB, 下载0次)


[Web商城] woocommerce-firstdata-ibis

用于拉脱维亚First Data IBIS系统的WordPress WooCommerce支付模块
WordPress WooCommerce payment module for First Data IBIS system for Latvia (2016-04-25, JavaScript, 159KB, 下载0次)


[Web商城] weixinshow

基于TmacPHP MVC Framework开发的微信公众号 微商系统,支持三级分销,微信登录,微信支付,商品管理,订单管理 发货,订单售后 维权。
The WeChat official account WeChat business system developed based on TmacPHP MVC Framework supports three-level distribution, WeChat login, WeChat payment, commodity management, order management and delivery, and order after-sales rights protection. (2016-06-16, JavaScript, 27154KB, 下载0次)
