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[*行业应用] 2222221111

ASP网站论文 另计算机毕业设计出售,全套 论文加程序答辩通过,历届
ASP website design graduate thesis another computer for sale, plus a full set of procedures for thesis defense is passed, successive (2007-09-15, ASP, 1540KB, 下载216次)


[*行业应用] 留溪在线考场 5.2

在线考试系统》。本系统适用于选择题(单选和多选)的练习和考试,系统自带 的题库是上海市高中一年级《信息科技》(使用华师大教材)的练习与训练的试题。   本系统主要有七大模块:学习信息、经验交流、学生练习、学生考试、试卷管理、题库操作、身份 资料、成绩查询、系统帮助。超级管理员还可进行系统设置。   本系统主要适用于学生总复习时的练习及测验。   一、使用环境   本系统主要在服务端运行。由于受环境所限,本系统只在下列环境中测试过:服务器端Windows 2000  ASP,客户端Windows 98/IE6.0。 系统的安全性:   系统数据放在date文件夹的datebase.mdb中。为增加系统的安全性可把此文件名改名如: adfadf.asp,然后修改open.asp文件第三行中的date\datebase.mdb部分,修改成你的数据库地址和 文件名,如:date\adfadf.asp。 最好把数据库放在另外的文件夹中(此文件夹最好是不在WEB服务范围内),然后修改open.asp 文件,在第三行前加个英文的单引号 ,让第三行失效,并把第四行前的单引号删除,让第四行起作用, 并修改其中的内容,修改成存放你的数据库地址,从根目录开始。如:“e:\testdata\adfadf.asp”。
online examination system. " The system applies to multiple-choice questions (and more danxuan election), the exercises and examinations, system onboard database is a Shanghai high school grade "information technology" (the use of Chinese at National Taiwan Normal University teaching) practice and training questions . The system has seven modules : Learning information, exchange of experiences, the students practice, the students examination papers management, database operation, identity results inquiries, help system. Super administrator can also set up systems. The system applies to students review the exercises and tests. One, the use of the environment, the system mainly on the server running. Due to environmental constraints, the system only in the following circumstan (2006-01-01, ASP, 1070KB, 下载142次)


[*行业应用] 壹加壹图片管理系统

壹加壹图文管理系统,功能实用方便。管理快捷,完善。是目前比较好的图片管理系统 (含近一万张图片完整数据库)
One adds one chart article management system management system practical, the function is convenient. The management is quick, consummation. Is the present quite good picture management system management system (contains nearly 10,000 pictures complete databases) (2004-07-06, ASP, 205KB, 下载50次)
