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按分类查找All 机器人/智能制造(9) 
按平台查找All C#(9) 

[机器人/智能制造] RobotikaDrones

Unity simulation project made for Kaunas University of Technology in 2021. (2022-04-24, C#, 35200KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] UnityRobotLearning

Unity project for Rutgers Game Science course semester-long project. Intended to be a visual simulation for an autonomous robot. (2016-03-21, C#, 224414KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] SRIMS

Spartan Robotics Inventory Management System (2018-02-04, C#, 83KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] XinNyaBot

XinNyaBot, Blue Group Service Core Meow Robot (2022-03-14, C#, 12KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] wechat-auto-reply-robot

wechat-auto-reply-robot,微信自动回复机器人,有三个机器人可供选择,可在界面进行配置,可定时提醒,pc端程序, 对接了青云客、天行、图灵机器人聊天接口 可自由切换机器人 能够实现自动回复,防撤回,不是基于网页协议,所有微信账号都可登录,操作简单 其他扩展功能:...
Wechat auto reply robot, WeChat automatic reply robot, has three robots to choose from, which can be configured in the interface, can be timed to remind, PC end program, connected to the chat interface of Qingyun guest, Tianxing, Turing robots, which can be freely switched. The robot can achieve automatic reply and anti withdrawal, not based on web protocol, all WeChat accounts can be logged in, easy to operate, other extended functions: (2023-03-22, C#, 56833KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] weixin_wechat_hook

weixin_wechat_hook,NET C#微信个人号 HOOK 基于微信2.8.0版本 全接口 微信机器人 淘宝客
weixin_ wechat_ Hook, NET C # WeChat personal account HOOK based on WeChat version 2.8.0 full interface WeChat robot Taobao customer (2020-01-15, C#, 230KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] weixin_wechat_hook

weixin_wechat_hook,NET C#微信个人号 HOOK 基于微信2.9.0版本 全接口 微信机器人 淘宝客 群管实时退群进群通知
weixin_ wechat_ Hook, NET C # WeChat personal account HOOK based on WeChat version 2.9.0 full interface WeChat robot Taobao customer group management real-time withdrawal and group entry notification (2021-04-08, C#, 230KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] sanguosha

sanguosha,此项目为三国杀游戏,模拟QQ注册,QQ登录,QQ加好友,QQ聊天,基于C#语言,SQL Server数据库开发, 游戏功能目前已经实现玩家VS人机,已支持英雄:刘备,曹操,孙权,支持穿着装备,武器,战马,杀死对方获得积分,开发工具:V...
Sanguosha, this project is a Three Kingdoms Kill game, simulating QQ registration, QQ login, QQ friend adding, QQ chat, developed based on C # language and SQL Server database. The game function has now achieved player vs human-machine, supporting heroes such as Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Quan, wearing equipment, weapons, war horses, killing opponents to earn points, development tool: V (2020-05-15, C#, 41441KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] WechatYUNchart

WechatYUNchart,微信多开多账号机器人 云客服系统 微商营销 系统web协议一键登录 非公众号微信机器人微信群管家 微信自动回复 微信定时发送消息 微信多账号登录 微信网页版本协议多开 一键登录 红包数量提醒 微信用户识别男女签名备注地理位置等,群发 ...
WechatYUnchart, WeChat multi account multi account robot cloud customer service system WeChat marketing system web protocol One click login non official account WeChat robot WeChat group manager WeChat automatic reply WeChat regularly send messages WeChat multi account login WeChat web version agreement One click login more number of red packets remind WeChat users to identify male and female signatures Note geographical location, etc., group send (2017-07-18, C#, 39692KB, 下载0次)
