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[数据库管理工具] imu_studentinfotool

This software is mainly designed and implemented for school users and units, enterprises, or individuals who want to use this software to generate and encrypt student information tables. It is a tool software with student information management function, Excel table generation function, Excel table encryption and decryption function, and student information inspection function. Users can learn by modifying according to their own needs (2018-06-02, C#, 7508KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] imu_studentinfotool

This software is mainly designed and implemented for school users and units, enterprises, or individuals who want to use this software to generate and encrypt student information tables. It is a tool software with student information management function, Excel table generation function, Excel table encryption and decryption function, and student information inspection function. Users can learn by modifying according to their own needs (2018-06-02, C#, 7508KB, 下载0次)
