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[压缩解压] DiscordCompressor

DiscordCompressor (2024-07-07, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[压缩解压] FileZip

FileZip为net 6.0开发的文件加解压工具,包括 文件合并、文件压缩(zip) 和 文件解压(unzip),
FileZip is a file decompression tool developed for net 6.0, including file merge, file compression (zip) and file decompression (unzip), (2023-09-09, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[压缩解压] Douglas-Peucker

The Douglas algorithm is used to compress the curve, and it is realized by recursive algorithm. (2018-01-24, C#, 108KB, 下载3次)


[压缩解压] CxDouglasAlgrithm

道格拉斯数据压缩算法。 算法特征:1.在不扰乱拓扑关系的前提下,对采样点数据进行合理的抽稀 2.对矢量坐标数据进行重新进行编码,以减少所需要的存储空间 3.矢量数据的压缩往往是不可逆的,数据压缩后,数据量变小了,数据的精度降低了
Douglas data compression algorithm. Algorithm characteristics: 1. In the relationship does not disturb the topology under the premise of sampling point data of a reasonable pumping dilute 2. Of vector coordinates of the data re-encoding, in order to reduce the required storage space 3. Vector data compression is often irreversible and data compression, the smaller quantity of data, data accuracy reduces (2016-01-19, C#, 2KB, 下载4次)


[压缩解压] Compress

• 1、根据道格拉斯一普克法,编写程序对经过兰勃特投影的中国版图数据进行压缩和过滤 • 2、屏幕绘图显示压缩前后的地图数据 • 3、数据压缩率为50
• 1, according to a Douglas Peucker method, write a program on Chinese territory after Lambert projection data compression and filtering • 2, screen graphics display map data before and after compression • 3, data compression rate of 50 (2015-04-02, C#, 20KB, 下载21次)


[压缩解压] dgls_ys

本人自己写的基于道格拉斯算法的线段的压缩 ,里面有详细的编译说明
I wrote it myself Douglas based compression algorithm segment, which has compiled a detailed description of (2014-11-03, C#, 38KB, 下载12次)


[压缩解压] Encrypt

Used with the encryption/decryption utility that can be used to decrypt encrypted take place (2008-03-03, C#, 7KB, 下载11次)
