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[Java编程] Yang Hui Triangle

杨辉三角,也叫贾宪三角,在外国被称为帕斯卡三角。与我们现在的学习联系最紧密的是2项式乘方展开式的系数规律。 与杨辉三角联系最紧密的是二项式乘方展开式的系数规律,即二项式定理。
The Yang Hui Triangle, also known as the Jia Xian Triangle, is known as the Pascal Triangle in foreign countries. The most closely related to our current learning is the law of the coefficients of the binomial power expansion. The closest connection with the Yang Hui triangle is the law of the coefficients of the binomial square expansion, ie the binomial theorem. (2018-06-28, C#, 44KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] LeaveWordBorad

Small management system, according to Chuan Chi podcast to learn to write, may be a slight error, try it (2014-04-18, C#, 358KB, 下载1次)
