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按分类查找All 音频处理(9) 
按平台查找All matlab(9) 

[音频处理] 音乐魔盒

本软件是由MATLAB App Designer工具制作而成的一款集音频采集、播放、时域频域分析、加噪、滤波、特定特效处理及自定义DIY滤波特效处理的综合音频分析处理播放器 注:1.把文件夹放到MATLAB工作空间中,使得图标资源在MATLAB路径中 2.录音为 .wav格式,音乐播放器只支持.wav 和 .mp3格式 3.Windows安装包可直接安装为Windows应用软件(需联网下载MATLAB环境包)
This software is a synthetical audio analysis and processing player which is made by MATLAB App Designer tool. It integrates audio acquisition, playback, time-domain and frequency-domain analysis, noise addition, filtering, special effect processing and custom DIY filtering special effect processing. Note: 1. Place folders in the MATLAB workspace to make icon resources in the MATLAB path. 2. Recording is in. wav format. Music player only supports. wav and. MP3 formats. 3. Windows Installation Package can be directly installed as Windows application software (need to download the MATLAB environment package online) (2019-07-11, matlab, 41101KB, 下载23次)


[音频处理] Release_RT_estimation_MatlabFileExchange

RT estimation, room impulse responses taken from the AIR database, Generation of reverberant speech, RT Calculation based on RIR by means of the Schroeder method (2018-07-06, matlab, 6610KB, 下载17次)


[音频处理] cmvnpdf.m

mfcc parameters to achieve (2016-04-06, matlab, 3KB, 下载1次)


[音频处理] harmonic

Voice harmonic feature extraction, the first speech signal sub-frame, and then using the center frequency for each frame of Wiki sound frequency multiple of the band-pass filter for filtering the results of the final filtered result of the Fourier transform (2012-10-18, matlab, 164KB, 下载57次)


[音频处理] one-dimensional-wave-equation

1D wave equation一维波动方程的计算机模拟
Computer simulation of one-dimensional wave equation (2012-06-15, matlab, 138KB, 下载54次)


[音频处理] jiazao

Adding noise, the audio signal plus noise, the frequency is set to 22050hz audio set up their own. Change the fn can be. (2012-06-03, matlab, 1KB, 下载20次)


[音频处理] detective_centroid

Tone syllable center detection. Input for the frame-level features, each frame has more than 12-dimensional features detection十二平均律in the center of the first music on the sound. (2008-08-10, matlab, 1KB, 下载19次)


[音频处理] musicChordfeature

Extraction of music (wav format) in the characteristics of the two chords: chromagram and tonalcentroid. Chromagram which is 12-dimensional features, according to十二平均律come tonalcentroid is the basis of十二平均律joined the chord structure of information (five degrees circle) received the six-dimensional information. (2008-08-10, matlab, 5KB, 下载62次)


[音频处理] Waveletdenoisingdemo

Wavelet Denoising demo program is a demonstration of software, written by C, has plus noise before the signal, plus noise signal, and the signal after denoising (2008-07-07, matlab, 229KB, 下载89次)
