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[系统编程] 200991413567591

在这里,随便说一下pb10以下版本的程序,如果升级到pb10以上版本,需要注意的地方: PB10以下版本的程序,字符串使用的ANSI编码,pb10或以上版本,使用的是Unicode编码,所以在API函数定义上,会有些出入.大部分在参数或返回值中使用了字符串的Windows API函数,都提供了两个版本的API,一个是支持ANSI的,一般在函数后面加个A作为标记,一个是支持Unicode的,一般在函数后面加W(WideChar)作为标记.p
Here, just saying what pb10 the following version of the program, if you upgrade to pb10 or later, need to pay attention: PB10 the following version of the program, the string using the ANSI code, pb10 or later, using Unicode encoding, so API function definition, will be slightly different. most of the parameters or return values ​ ​ in a string using the Windows API function, provide two versions of the API, a support ANSI, usually followed by a function A as a marker One is support for Unicode, usually followed by the function W (WideChar) as a marker. p (2011-07-22, PowerBuilder, 395KB, 下载4次)


[系统编程] PowerBuilderDetailedfunction

PowerBuilder函数详解 都是经常用到的函数 • LowerBound() LowerBound()功能得到指定数组第n维的下界。 语法LowerBound ( array {, n } ) 参数array:数组名n:数值类型,可选项,指定要得到数组哪一维的下界。缺省值为1返回值Long。函数执行成功时返回array数组第n维的下界。如果n的值超过了指定数组的最大维数,那么该函数返回-1。如果任何参数的值为NULL,LowerBound()函数返回NULL。
Detailed PowerBuilder functions are frequently used functions • LowerBound () LowerBound () functions are specified in the first n-lower bound of the array. Syntax LowerBound (array {, n}) parameter array: the array name n: numeric types, options, which specify the dimensions to get the lower bound of the array. The default return value is a Long. Function is executed, returns the first n-dimensional array lower bound of the array. If the n value exceeds the maximum specified array dimension, then the function returns-1. If any parameter is NULL, LowerBound () function returns NULL. (2010-10-26, PowerBuilder, 41KB, 下载4次)
