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按分类查找All Windows编程(7) 
按平台查找All PowerBuilder(7) 

[Windows编程] encrypt

pb9.0 BASE64加密和解密DEMO
PB9.0 base64 encryption and decryption demo (2020-11-09, PowerBuilder, 35KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] pds_rpt

PB 源代码 加 ttf16.ocx控件 组合的通用统计报表
General statistical reports PB source code control combination plus ttf16.ocx (2016-10-04, PowerBuilder, 440KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] ASKSongManager

Write your own batch of Oscar VOD system software prices and make the song, you can also synchronize two servers song, the system uses only Oscar (2013-12-22, PowerBuilder, 4652KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] PB-function

pb9.0常用函数。LowerBound()功能得到指定数组第n维的下界。 语法LowerBound ( array {, n } ) 参数array:数组名n:数值类型,可选项,指定要得到数组哪一维的下界。
pb9.0 commonly used functions. pb9.0 commonly used functions. pb9.0 commonly used functions. pb9.0 commonly used functions. pb9.0 commonly used functions. pb9.0 commonly used functions. pb9.0 commonly used functions. pb9.0 commonly used functions. pb9.0 commonly used functions. pb9.0 commonly used functions. pb9.0 commonly used functions. (2012-05-23, PowerBuilder, 113KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] pb9(orca)

loc: 很好的一个调用orca的例子. pbcomment7: 给pb自动加注释的软件. PowerBuilder-ORCA-0.04: orca用于C/C++的头文件. orca7.pdf: 帮助手册. 下面几个是自己做的: dw_restore: 从pbd中提取dw对象 highlighter: 语法高亮显示 minipb: 想做个mini版pb,刚开了头 pic_extract: 从pbd提取图片 version_convert: pbl版本降级
Some Source Code (2009-03-14, PowerBuilder, 2550KB, 下载51次)


[Windows编程] pbSQlibrary

Pb the sql-based library management system, added the source and document design (2008-12-16, PowerBuilder, 1410KB, 下载164次)


[Windows编程] PBLkuguanliqi.rar

Library库画板 库画板应用 生成可执行文件 Library工作区 Entry菜单 创建pbl文件 给pbl文件加入描述信息 加注解的库文件
Library Library Library Sketchpad Sketchpad application generate executable file Library Workspace Menu Entry documents to create a pbl file to describe the information pbl plus annotated library file (2007-11-01, PowerBuilder, 371KB, 下载3次)
