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[串口编程] 虚拟串口(无com口、虚拟客显模式使用)

Virtual serial widget, very practical. (2017-08-05, Visual C++, 8433KB, 下载7次)


[串口编程] iComm

Write your own serial debugging assistant can be achieved in ASCII and HEX send and receive data, the received data can be automatically written to a TXT file, a complete end of the message can be automatically received linefeed to facilitate the preservation and display. (2016-09-21, Visual C++, 23544KB, 下载38次)


[串口编程] VC2

基于VC的串口编程。VC++ 串口实现双机互联,包含视窗加代码
Based on VC serial programming. VC++ serial port dual Internet contains code, windows (2015-03-08, Visual C++, 7246KB, 下载3次)


[串口编程] 3D-display

This software functions as a display of the attitude of a IMU. It takes the data sent by the IMU, and display the attitude of the IMU in 3D form on the PC, which easies the developement of attitude calculation. (2014-08-22, Visual C++, 6316KB, 下载124次)


[串口编程] serial-tool

CeditWiew加CMSCOMM实现类似串口终端的工具。 具备INI 文件参数保存/读取功能
Serial terminal bases on ceditview class and cmscomm class。 It can save and read INI configuration file. (2014-08-07, Visual C++, 489KB, 下载5次)


[串口编程] 51Serial-communicationMPU6050

MPU6050 data acquisition. And the fusion algorithm, through the 51 serial port to send to the host computer. Take notes (2014-06-19, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载33次)


[串口编程] VCPP-Code1

VC++ 串口实现双机互联,包含视窗加代码
VC++ Serial Dual Internet, including Windows add code (2014-05-10, Visual C++, 68KB, 下载1次)


[串口编程] SerialPort

* Function: 串口的打开、关闭、数据发送 以及 自动接收 (1)采用【事件驱动】的方式,即当缓冲区接收到数据的时候,【自动执行接收数据】,有效的节省系统资源,提高执行效率。 原理:建立一个事件线程,它监视串口的事件和错误信息。当有事件或错误发生时,它主动向【主线程】发送一个Windows消息。主线程在消息相应函数中处理已发生的事件或错误。 (2)采用“异步方式”读串口,耗时的读数据在单独的线程中进行。 (3)编程步骤:定义全局变量、创建串口、开启事件线程、发送数据、自定义消息、关闭串口和关闭线程。同时,另外加配置串口函数,查询可用端口
* Function: Serial to open, close, data transmission and automatic reception (1)] using [event-driven approach, that is, when the buffer receives the data, receive data] [automatically perform effectively conserve system resources and improve the implementation of efficiency. Principle: Create an event thread that monitors serial event and error messages. When there is an event or an error occurs, it is the main thread] [the initiative to send a Windows message. The main thread to handle events or errors have occurred in the message corresponding function. (2) the use of " asynchronous" read serial, time-consuming to read data in a separate thread. (3) programming steps: define global variables, create serial port, open the event thread, send data, custom messages, close the serial port and close the thread. Meanwhile, additionally configure the serial port function, check available ports (2014-04-25, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载7次)


[串口编程] interrupt

This is uarts. (2013-07-04, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载1次)


[串口编程] mcst

曼彻斯特解码,曼码放在0.txt中 ascii码在1.txt中 原码在out和in中
Manchester decoding, mann pieces in 0. TXT in the ASCII code in 1. TXT in the source code in the in and out (2013-03-29, Visual C++, 33KB, 下载5次)


[串口编程] Assist06-23

c#简单串口通信 鉴于很多人说收不到数据(其实是没有显示出来我原来简介已说明加断点调试了),现修改为可以再textbox显示收到的数据版本
Simple c# serial communication (2012-03-07, Visual C++, 75KB, 下载29次)



This is my own writing xsen the mti system program from the gyroscopes and accelerometers to read data in real time, and geographic coordinate system solver, the final points to get the speed and location information. Can be used for gesture recognition or less precision navigation system. If you want to for accurate navigation, it should be further amended. Program to communicate with com4, baud rate is 115200, the sampling frequency is 50hz, these parameters can be modified. (2011-08-31, Visual C++, 1706KB, 下载393次)


[串口编程] DHT21

DHT21使用范例,硬件连接: P2.0口为通讯口连接DHT11,DHT11的电源和地连接单片机的电源和地,单片机串口加MAX232连接电脑.
DHT21 usage examples, hardware connection: P2.0 port as communication port connected DHT11, DHT11 the power and ground connections and power microcontroller, the microcontroller serial plus MAX232 connected computer. (2011-02-01, Visual C++, 12KB, 下载13次)


[串口编程] Serialcommunication

串口通信,P1.1接的按键控制选位(按下时上面的灯亮),P1.2接的按键控制所选位加1 (按下时下面的灯亮)。
Serial communication, P1.1 access buttons control the selection bit (when pressed lights above), P1.2 access buttons control the selected bits plus 1 (pressed, the following lights). (2010-04-11, Visual C++, 104KB, 下载4次)


[串口编程] UARTLED

串口通讯编程 加led灯跑马程序的一些简单基础应用
Serial communication programming plus program led lights Happy (2010-01-04, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载4次)


[串口编程] VC-rs232

VC video camera plus serial control for robot host computer, as long as appropriate to change the active control properties, you can adapt to different serial port, it is suitable for robot' s host computer programming started. (2009-09-28, Visual C++, 2288KB, 下载262次)


[串口编程] MFC

项目的研究内容是对硅微谐振式加速度计的数据采集电路开展研究工作。硅微谐振式加速度计敏感结构输出的是两路差分的频率信号,因此硅微谐振式加速度计数据采集电路完成的主要任务是测出两路频率信号的差值。测量要求是:实现10ms内对中心谐振频率为20kHz、标度因数为100Hz/g、量程为±50g、分辨率为1mg的硅微谐振式加速度计输出的频率信号的测量,等效测量误差为±1mg。电路的控制核心为单片机,具有串行接口以便将测量结果传送给PC机从而分析、保存测量结果。 按研究内容设计了软硬件。软件采用多周期同步法实现高精度,快速度的频率测量方案,并使用CPLD编程实现,这也是最难的地方。硬件采用现在流行的3.3V供电系统,选用EPM240T100C5N和较为实用的AVR单片机芯片Atmega64L,对应3.3V供电系统,串行接口使用MAX3232。 最后完成了PCB板的制作,经反复调试后得到了非常好的效果。采集的数据满足项目研究内容中的要求,当提高有源晶振的频率时,精度有大大提高了,此时已远远满足了项目中高精度,快速度测量的要求。另外,采用MFC编程编写了上位机的数据接收和数据处理专用软件,集数据采集,运算,作图,保存功能于一体。 此为上位机程序部分
err (2009-01-12, Visual C++, 926KB, 下载60次)


[串口编程] Serial_Spy

a Russian who wrote the serial monitoring tools. Serial off, the use of filter driver to do. (2007-02-08, Visual C++, 61KB, 下载1653次)


[串口编程] SCommTest1

通过串口发送at指令 等待返回值判断当前的网络状况以及服务商等有关信息 用与gprs的通信
sent through the serial port at the value orders waiting to return to judge the current state of network service providers and other relevant information in communications with EDGE (2005-05-26, Visual C++, 2125KB, 下载172次)
