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[Oracle数据库] PCO-TR.010-PA-1.1

oracle ebs 项目模块操作手册,适合于ebs运维人员的操作手册
oracle ebs project module operating manual, suitable for the the ebs operation and maintenance personnel operating manual (2013-01-26, Visual C++, 3065KB, 下载24次)


[Oracle数据库] EEbbinghausGeb

实现艾宾浩斯记忆曲线概念的 oracle 脚本,即:你准备的资料信息可以分别在第1天,第2天,第4天,第7天,第11天.... 被当天的日期检索出来。(间隔自己可调整)适用于要想长期记忆相关信息的人们。典型的就是学生集中背英语单词的情景。 已通过测试。
Ebbinghaus memory curve concept: the information you are ready to can in one day, 2 days, 4 days, 7 days, the 11th day of the oracle script .... the day of the date of retrieval out. (Interval adjustable) for people in order to long-term memory. The typical student focus back to the scene of the English words. Has been tested. (2012-07-22, Visual C++, 147KB, 下载9次)
