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[嵌入式Linux] Calendar

Calendar program, plus buttons to adjust the function, the LCD screen above reality. (2013-09-16, Visual C++, 4634KB, 下载1次)


[嵌入式Linux] C-program-of-BSS-and-examples-2

在linux平台下,纯c写的盲信号分离的代码.它采用基于卷积混合的盲信号分离算法,不但可以分离人工合成的混合信号,而且对于真实环境中的卷积混合的语音信号也能够分离.在本程序中,包含了两个测试文件,makefile后便可以直接使用. 另外值得一提的是,压缩包里包含有一些语音处理方面的常用函数.例如fft变换,读取写入wav文件,以及一些常用的一维向量和二维矩阵变换的函数.这些可以直接应用在其他应用程序里去.
Linux platform, the blind signal separation of pure c write code. Blind signal separation algorithm based on convolution mixed, can be separated not only synthetic mixed-signal and voice signal convolution mixed in real environment can separation in the program, contains two test files can directly use the makefile after. Also worth mentioning is that the compressed bundle includes voice processing commonly used functions such as fft transform read write wav file, as well as some of the commonly used one-dimensional vector and two-dimensional matrix transform function. these can be applied directly into other applications. (2012-10-26, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载17次)


[嵌入式Linux] C-program-of-BSS-and-examples-1

在linux平台下,纯c写的盲信号分离的代码.它采用基于卷积混合的盲信号分离算法,不但可以分离人工合成的混合信号,而且对于真实环境中的卷积混合的语音信号也能够分离.在本程序中,包含了两个测试文件,makefile后便可以直接使用. 另外值得一提的是,压缩包里包含有一些语音处理方面的常用函数.例如fft变换,读取写入wav文件,以及一些常用的一维向量和二维矩阵变换的函数.这些可以直接应用在其他应用程序里去.
Linux platform, the blind signal separation of pure c write code. Blind signal separation algorithm based on convolution mixed, can be separated not only synthetic mixed-signal and voice signal convolution mixed in real environment can separation in the program, contains two test files can directly use the makefile after. Also worth mentioning is that the compressed bundle includes voice processing commonly used functions such as fft transform read write wav file, as well as some of the commonly used one-dimensional vector and two-dimensional matrix transform function. these can be applied directly into other applications. (2012-10-26, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载22次)


[嵌入式Linux] Tshttpd-138h

This is a lightweight embedded Web service server, open source code! Can be used directly. (2012-07-23, Visual C++, 92KB, 下载7次)


[嵌入式Linux] jsq.tar

this function is for the calc ,have add sub mul div.sqrt (2011-07-26, Visual C++, 286KB, 下载17次)


[嵌入式Linux] commsetdeviceid_vc++

设备ID烧写程序.exe 软件使用说明: > 1)先打开此程序.设备好串口号.其它取默认值就可以了.打开串口(默认开机自动打开串口1). 然后,设备按OK键开机. > 2)打勾"自动生成下一个设备ID" 产品ID会自动加1. 当产品ID达到最大999999时,生产批次自动加1,产品ID置为1000001 > 3)烧写完一台机器后,不用关闭程序,只需将串口插入下一台机器OK开机即可,进入UBOOT,先点击命令发送等握手后,再开始烧写设备ID. > 4)只有烧写成功后,才自动生成下一个设备ID,才写入C:\ID.TXT文件中. > 5)点击读取已写设备ID时,将在调试区显示所有以前写成功的时间及设备ID,也可以直接查看C:\ID.TXT > 文件. > 6)已烧写的设备ID存储文件可以更改. > 7) 字段 产品型号 产品ID 硬件代码 软件代码 生产批次 范围 101~999 100001~999999 A~H 01~99 01~99 8)每次启动后,自动进入普通用户模式.输入权限密码后,就进入管理员用户.在下方的状态 指示中有当前用户显示. 9)下方有显示当前用户类型,已成功烧写个数. 10)初始权限密码为dongyao 11)每次关才程序时会自动保存ID信息及已烧写个数信息. 12)BUG: 不要在权限密码框内按回车健.否则会退出. (2008-05-29, Visual C++, 5053KB, 下载12次)
