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[Java书籍] 123123

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GMM program that will help to imp ·音频信号记录、还原、回放的工具, · audio signal recording, playback, restore tool, ·分子动力学模拟程序,用于计算晶体 Molecular dynamics simulation program, used to calculate the crystal ·进销存管理系统 为C#源码 采用SQL Inventory management system for C# source code using SQL ·c语言的PID控制算法程序,作为工业 C language of the PID control algorithm, as the industry ·工业组态软件最新版本完整源代码。 · industrial configuration software of the latest version complete source code. ·煤矿信息管理系统是基于SuperMap Ob · coal mine information management system is based on SuperMap Ob · 该软件是我读硕士的时候写的,它 The software is when I read the master of writing, it ·用于测量与地图制图的高斯投影转换 · for measuring and mapping the Gauss projection conversion · 代码名称:VC+MapX源码mapdemo, · code name: VC+MapX source mapdemo, (2014-06-08, Visual C++, 33KB, 下载1次)
