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[行业发展研究] kiruba

Canada Information Fusion chief expert kiruba articles by reference for information fusion research (2013-07-15, Visual C++, 3592KB, 下载8次)


[行业发展研究] Computer_Architecture_5th_edition

在计算机系统结构领域,《计算机系统结构——量化研究方法》这本书被公认是“圣经”。其撰写者之一是斯坦福大学的校长。目前这本书已经出版了第五版(2012年出版),中文版的暂时还没出来。第五版对第四版的排版做了修改,很多章节也增加了新的内容,删掉了“Storage System”这一章。本资源是这本书的英文文字版,不是扫描版的。大家有需要可以下载。
Computer Architecture- a Quantitative Approach (5th Edition) (2013-04-12, Visual C++, 7048KB, 下载6次)


[行业发展研究] acmfudaojiaocheng

The scale of the problem is the recent informatics competition is a new trend, it intended to achieve by expanding the amount of data to increase the algorithm design and programming difficulty, which a higher level of requirements to the Olympiad players, this article attempts to explore some of thegeneral strategy to solve such problems. The paper gives the definition of the term "scale", which will be divided into horizontal expansion and vertical expansion of the two types, were discussed. Solution to explore the problem of horizontal expansion when this article is to plan strategy, "dimensionality reduction" ideology as the main object focus on the scale of problems, the first two strategies- decomposition and streamline the law, and then combined with a specific example of "pruning" in the large-scale problems. The scale of the problem is the the informatics race closer to the practical application of an embodiment and therefore can not be ignored significance. (2012-02-19, Visual C++, 412KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] fsdfsdfd

Service provider explained that the process of cloud computing in the data security problem, " do not have to worry about." (2011-07-14, Visual C++, 281KB, 下载2次)


[行业发展研究] dfbfdvbfdbfgbfgb153351bgfb

: 条形码识别,直接运行程序即可; pdf417lib:二维条形码打印(输出为ps格式的文件),在书中第6章二维条形码打印部分有程序使用的说明; 条形码生成器源程序:生成一维条形码,直接运行程序即可; [8位数字频率计.rar] - 数字频率计~ VHDL 实现 可以实现频率的测量和现实的功能 8位 [hot.rar] - 图像分割是数字图像处理中的关键技术之一。图像分割是将图像中有意义的特征
tiaoxingma.rar]- barcode: barcode recognition, you can run the program directly pdf417lib: two-dimensional bar code printing (output ps format), in the book, Chapter 6, two-dimensional bar code printing part of a program using the instructions barcode generation device source: Build a one-dimensional bar code, you can run the program directly [8-bit digital frequency meter. rar]- digital frequency meter ~ VHDL implementation can be achieved and actual measurement of the frequency function of 8 [hot.rar]- Image Segmentation digital image processing of the key technologies. Image segmentation is the image characteristics of a meaningful (2009-11-18, Visual C++, 1062KB, 下载21次)


[行业发展研究] ImprovedimmuneAlgorithmforImageRestoration

PubMed Result NCBI paid paper to introduce the improved immune algorithm for image restoration (2009-10-16, Visual C++, 542KB, 下载5次)


[行业发展研究] PSO

PSO at three-dimensional space robot path planning (2009-03-27, Visual C++, 322KB, 下载171次)


[行业发展研究] cut

Based on Variable Length Coding for solving one-dimensional cutting stock problem of the evolutionary algorithm, described a new algorithm for solving cutting. (2007-10-10, Visual C++, 115KB, 下载101次)
