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[代理服务器] 27

good enough help to enjoy the game (2013-02-07, Visual C++, 1358KB, 下载8次)


[代理服务器] ScanProxy

Can automatically search the specified section of the proxy server ip, it still does not account of the Internet! ! (2009-06-12, Visual C++, 437KB, 下载84次)


[代理服务器] oUF-1.3.8

wow的插件,国服版本,虽然现在换代理了,但是我们对于插件的喜欢成都不会改变 (2009-04-19, Visual C++, 23KB, 下载37次)


[代理服务器] ProxySentinel

一种代理服务器自动切换软件,通过实时侦测备选代理服务器的性能来自动为浏览器切换代理服务器设置。 特点: 1.自动切换 改变手动更换浏览器代理服务器设置的方式,通过实时监测代理服务器的性能,自动为用户切换性能最好的代理服务器(或不使用代理服务器); 2.实时性 可以实时地检测备选代理服务器的性能,并按照用户设置的频率,根据一段时间的代理平均性能来为用户切换代理服务器。
a proxy server automatic switching software Real-time detection options through proxy server to the performance of automatic switching to the browser proxy settings. Features : 1. Automatic Switching to change manually change the browser's proxy settings, Real-time monitoring through the proxy server performance, Automatic switching performance for users the best proxy server (with or without the use of proxy servers); 2. Real-time detection of immediate alternative to the proxy server performance, and in accordance with the frequency of user settings, According to the agent for a period of time the average performance for users switching to the proxy server. (2007-06-26, Visual C++, 211KB, 下载78次)


[代理服务器] vc_jiqiaoshili_part13_14

Visual.C++程序设计技巧与实例--配套光盘 第13章 网络编程 本章共有8个实例: 1. PowerNetConfig在Win2000系统下修改主机名、IP、网关、子网掩码和代理服务器 2. GetAllIP得到多穴主机的多个IP地址 3. EnumHosts枚举局域网内的计算机 4. GetMac读取网卡的Mac地址 5. C_S Demo一个小型的公司客服系统——C/S使用示例 6. Mount在应用程序中映射网络驱动器 7. AddIEButton往IE的工具条上添加自定义的图标 8. MyBrowser利用WebBrowser控件创建自己的浏览器 第14章 帮助系统 本章共有两个例子: 1. HlpDemo如何制作一个传统的hlp格式的帮助文件 2. CHM如何制作一个CHM格式的帮助文件 至此,本书源码已上传完毕,非常抱歉要分开来上传,学校的网络实在太差了
Visual.C program design techniques and examples-- matching CD Chapter 13 of this chapter network programming, there are eight examples : 1. PowerNetConfig in Win2000 system changes hostname, IP, Gateway, Subnet Mask and Proxy Server 2. GetAllIP be multi-homed host multiple IP addresses 3. EnumH osts Enumerate LAN computer 4. GetMac card read Mac addresses five. C_S Dem o a small company customer service system-- C/S examples of the use of six. Mount procedures in the application of mapping network drives All seven. AddIEButton to add Hi IE icon from the definition of eight. MyBrowse r use WebBrowser control to establish its own browser Chapter 14 of this chapter help system consists of two examples : 1. HlpDemo how to make a traditional hlp format documents with the help of two. CHM ho (2007-05-22, Visual C++, 2270KB, 下载46次)


[代理服务器] SocksCapV2

proxy server, is very handy, as long as the process drags on the increase can be used by agents (2007-01-23, Visual C++, 533KB, 下载75次)
