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Imitation QQ chat software (2017-03-11, Visual C++, 49460KB, 下载5次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] MyProjects

内含服务器 和QQ 包含注册 加好友 修改资料 修改图片 拉黑等功能 可以多人即时聊天。
Contains the server and QQ contains a registered plus friends to modify the data to modify the image to pull the black and other functions can be more than one instant chat. (2015-10-01, Visual C++, 11436KB, 下载2次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] JS

js pop-QQ, QQ right side of customer service. (2014-05-18, Visual C++, 82KB, 下载1次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] Tcp

Network programming (2012-04-14, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载7次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] CHAT5-ok

即时通讯例子5 一个局域网内的及时通讯 CS架构 Socket通讯 分为客服端和服务器端 很经典 可以下载看看
Example 5 instant communication of a local area network communication Socket communication in CS structure is divided into the customer service and the server is very classical can download to see see (2011-12-27, Visual C++, 144KB, 下载5次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] Visual_CPP-CHAT

即时通讯例子4 一个局域网内的及时通讯 CS架构 Socket通讯 分为客服端和服务器端 很经典 可以下载看看
Example 4 instant communication of a local area network communication Socket communication in CS structure is divided into the customer service and the server is very classical can download to see see (2011-12-27, Visual C++, 894KB, 下载24次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] liaotian

即时通讯例子3 一个局域网内的及时通讯 CS架构 Socket通讯 分为客服端和服务器端 很经典 可以下载看看
Instant messaging example 3 of a local area network communication Socket communication in CS structure is divided into the customer service and the server is very classical can download to see see (2011-12-27, Visual C++, 147KB, 下载4次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] Chat

即时通讯例子2 一个局域网内的及时通讯 CS架构 Socket通讯 分为客服端和服务器端 很经典 可以下载看看
Instant messaging example 2 of a local area network communication Socket communication in CS structure is divided into the customer service and the server is very classical can download to see see (2011-12-27, Visual C++, 533KB, 下载6次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] chat-_ok

即时通讯例子1 一个局域网内的及时通讯 CS架构 Socket通讯 分为客服端和服务器端 很经典 可以下载看看
Example 1 instant communication of a local area network communication Socket communication in CS structure is divided into the customer service and the server is very classical can download to see see (2011-12-27, Visual C++, 165KB, 下载9次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] fgcsall

IP Messenger full source code, server, customer service side, DLL code, update the server code, part of the code assignments, communication protocols, etc., complete all the code (2011-10-13, Visual C++, 9357KB, 下载105次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] client

Similar to the QQ chat software, machines and servers by the customer, which is machine code for call (2011-05-19, Visual C++, 657KB, 下载4次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] InstantCommunicationSystem

该通信系统主要实现过程为: 开一个线程来监听客服的连接, 一旦有连接就建立一个线程, 然后把获得的客户端socket 保存到全局变量当中, 然后不断地读取客户发过来的消息, 收到以后就广播到所有的客户端socket 当中。客户端只需输入服务器的IP 地址和用户登录的昵称, 连接上就可以通信了, 客户端建立了一个线程专门来接受服务器端发送过来的消息, 然后判断是聊天信息还是用户列表信息, 然后分发。
The communication system as the main implementation process: open a thread to monitor customer connections, if there is a thread connection, and then get the client socket to the global variables were saved, and then continue to read the customer sent me a message, to close to a future of broadcasting to all clients which socket. Clients only need to enter the server' s IP address and user login nickname, the connection can communicate, the client set up a dedicated thread to accept the message sent from the server, and then determine a list of chat messages, or user information, and then distribute . (2010-11-29, Visual C++, 3064KB, 下载12次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] chat

chat (2010-10-18, Visual C++, 3686KB, 下载5次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] Server-Client

支持两人聊天,一为客服端,另一为服务器端 ,可以发送多次。
Support the two chat, one for customer service side, the other for the server side, you can send multiple. (2010-06-24, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载86次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] QQClient

VC++ QQ chat tools to achieve customer-side code (2010-05-02, Visual C++, 102KB, 下载3次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] chat

QQ instant messaging program. Find friends, you can add friends, send messages, see friends information (2010-04-01, Visual C++, 1266KB, 下载13次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] chatroomclient

The program is a chat room customer-side procedures, to achieve online chat capabilities for learning network programming primarily to provide a case to increase everyone' s understanding of network programming. (2009-11-09, Visual C++, 3285KB, 下载4次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] chatroomserver

The program is a simple chat room server program for customer-side chat rooms to provide services to achieve a simple chat. (2009-11-09, Visual C++, 1895KB, 下载6次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] ChatToolsInLocalNet

该程序包含两个程序 一个是主机server 另一个是clinet程序 主机server实现整体控客服机交换信息。clinet实现客户之间的通信。程序实现聊天功能和文件传输等功能。
The program consists of two procedures is the host server to another host server is clinet program to achieve the overall control the exchange of information customer service machine. clinet to achieve communication between customers. Chat program and file transfer functions. (2009-06-01, Visual C++, 959KB, 下载9次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] chat

这个简单的多用户聊天系统包括了客户机端程序和服务器端程序两个部分。 服务器可以和多个客户端相连。 在运行时,应该先运行服务器端程序,再运行客户端程序。
This simple multi-user chat system includes a client-side procedures and server-side program in two parts. Server can be connected to multiple clients. In the run-time should be run server-side procedures, then run the client program. (2009-02-17, Visual C++, 223KB, 下载16次)
