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[搜索引擎] Classical-algorithm

15 commonly used classical algorithm, the directory indexed, very suitable for beginners to study algorithm (2016-09-06, Visual C++, 11448KB, 下载2次)


[搜索引擎] sparse-matrix

A sparse matrix, primary and secondary storage in the order listed to a one-dimensional array, support storage and search. (2014-04-13, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[搜索引擎] C-Matrix

C-matrix, removing the first row, first column, the last column are zero outside, so a C-matrix can be stored as a compressed one-dimensional array, then the order of the first column of the first progressive. And supports storage search function. (2014-04-13, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] Chess

本人机对弈程序采用了多种搜索算法.以下是本程序主要的类说明: 1.CEveluation类:估值类,对给定的棋盘进行估值. 2.CMoveGenerator类:走法产生器,对给定的棋盘局面搜索出所有可能的走法. 3.CSearchEngine类:搜索引擎基类. 4.CNegaMaxEngine类:负极大值法搜索引擎. 5.CAlphaBetaEngine类:采用了Alpha-Beta剪枝技术的搜索引擎. 6.CFAlphaBetaEngine类:fail-softalpha-beta搜索引擎. 7.CHistoryHeuristic类:历史启发类. 8.CAlphabeta_HHEngine类:带历史启发的Alpha-Beta搜索引擎. 9.CAspirationSearch类:渴望搜索引擎. 10.CIDAlphabetaEngine类:迭代深化搜索引擎. 11.CMTD_fEngine类:MTD(f)搜索引擎. 12.CTranspositionTable类:置换表. 13.CAlphaBeta_TTEngine类:加置换表的Alpha-Beta搜索引擎. 14.CPVS_Engine类:极小窗口搜索引擎. 15.CNegaScout_TT_HH类:使用了置换表和历史启发的NegaScout搜索引擎. 本程序还具有悔棋,还原功能,还可以记录走法.
======================================================================== MICROSOFT FOUNDATION CLASS LIBRARY : Chess ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this Chess application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your Chess application. Chess.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally. Chess.h This is the main header file for the application. It includes other project specific headers (including Resource.h) and declares the CChessApp application class. Chess.cpp This is the main applica (2012-07-08, Visual C++, 1823KB, 下载10次)


[搜索引擎] Source-Code

1.CEveluation类:估值类,对给定的棋盘进行估值. 2.CMoveGenerator类:走法产生器,对给定的棋盘局面搜索出所有可能的走法. 3.CSearchEngine类:搜索引擎基类. 4.CNegaMaxEngine类:负极大值法搜索引擎. 5.CAlphaBetaEngine类:采用了Alpha-Beta剪枝技术的搜索引擎. 6.CFAlphaBetaEngine类:fail-softalpha-beta搜索引擎. 7.CHistoryHeuristic类:历史启发类. 8.CAlphabeta_HHEngine类:带历史启发的Alpha-Beta搜索引擎. 9.CAspirationSearch类:渴望搜索引擎. 10.CIDAlphabetaEngine类:迭代深化搜索引擎. 11.CMTD_fEngine类:MTD(f)搜索引擎. 12.CTranspositionTable类:置换表. 13.CAlphaBeta_TTEngine类:加置换表的Alpha-Beta搜索引擎. 14.CPVS_Engine类:极小窗口搜索引擎. 15.CNegaScout_TT_HH类:使用了置换表和历史启发的NegaScout搜索引擎.
C++ chess (2011-03-28, Visual C++, 159KB, 下载6次)


[搜索引擎] 1

Multi-dimensional search method can be defined at the beginning of any direction along the dimension of the multidimensional search method (2011-01-05, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载6次)


[搜索引擎] chess

本程序采用了多种搜索算法.以下是本程序主要的类说明: 1.CEveluation类:估值类,对给定的棋盘进行估值. 2.CMoveGenerator类:走法产生器,对给定的棋盘局面搜索出所有可能的走法. 3.CSearchEngine类:搜索引擎基类. 4.CNegaMaxEngine类:负极大值法搜索引擎. 5.CAlphaBetaEngine类:采用了Alpha-Beta剪枝技术的搜索引擎. 6.CFAlphaBetaEngine类:fail-softalpha-beta搜索引擎. 7.CHistoryHeuristic类:历史启发类. 8.CAlphabeta_HHEngine类:带历史启发的Alpha-Beta搜索引擎. 9.CAspirationSearch类:渴望搜索引擎. 10.CIDAlphabetaEngine类:迭代深化搜索引擎. 11.CMTD_fEngine类:MTD(f)搜索引擎. 12.CTranspositionTable类:置换表. 13.CAlphaBeta_TTEngine类:加置换表的Alpha-Beta搜索引擎. 14.CPVS_Engine类:极小窗口搜索引擎. 15.CNegaScout_TT_HH类:使用了置换表和历史启发的NegaScout搜索引擎. 本程序具有悔棋,还原功能,可以记录走法,还可以进行布局.
Chess (2009-10-29, Visual C++, 193KB, 下载7次)


[搜索引擎] jiatongpeifushousuowenjian

A wildcard search for files by the addition of the detailed code, for everyone interested in research studies. . . (2009-04-11, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载4次)


[搜索引擎] ANN

ANN is a source to speed up the search speed of procedures through C++ Prepared to support the arbitrary high-dimensional space approximate or accurate nearest neighbor search. (2008-02-22, Visual C++, 54KB, 下载176次)
