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[文件操作] 示波器波形分析

首先读取csv文件(来自示波器或其他来源),csv是字符格式的文本文件。然后,对采样波形进行谐波分析,将输入信号分解成:A0直流分量,A1基频分量,A22次谐波,A33次谐波……N噪声。采用的是加hanning窗的FFT算法。最后,求取 总谐波失真率THD(%)
First read the CSV file, and CSV is a character format text file. Then, the input signal is decomposed into A0 DC component, A1 fundamental frequency component, A22 harmonic, A33 harmonic. N noise. The FFT algorithm with Hanning window is adopted. Finally, the total harmonic loss rate THD (%) is obtained. (2018-09-29, LabView, 77KB, 下载20次)


[文件操作] Win32PEfile_2

PE file Dynamic packers technology research and implementation. (2009-12-19, LabView, 133KB, 下载8次)
