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[Windows编程] 4

-数字前面加0x表示该数是十六进制的数,0x00就是十六进制的00--// //--P0口一共有8个IO口,即从P0.0到P0.7,而0x00二进制就是0000 0000
Before the number, add 0 to indicate that the number is hexadecimal, and 0x00 is hexadecimal (2020-01-05, VHDL, 298KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] yi-wei-er-jin-zhi-quan-jia-qi

A binary full source code and detailed documentation WORD, maxplus software running, pin has been configured, EP1K30TC144-3 (2014-01-13, VHDL, 130KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] counter_5_reversible

Reversible synchronous with the set (plus one or minus 1) 5 binary counter. (2009-08-31, VHDL, 321KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] example3

Example3 加/减法计数器 本例程实现的是一个加/减8 进制计数器。其中包括时钟输入、使能信号、加减控制信 号、复位信号、三位输入和一位进位位。
Example3 add/subtract counter implementation of this routine is a plus/minus 8 binary counter. These include the clock input enable signal, addition and subtraction control signals, reset signals, three inputs and a carry bit. (2009-08-26, VHDL, 25KB, 下载27次)


[Windows编程] readdata_new11

Generated by counter 8421 yards, and generated more than 8421 yards 3 yards into and report on additional experiments, wave (2009-06-29, VHDL, 16KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] FAdder

全加器的设计,实现二进制的加法,一个输出为进位,一个输出为计算值。 (2009-06-29, VHDL, 3KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] FixToFloat

There will be 16-bit binary decimal symbol is converted to pure 32-bit single precision floating point. Practical applications, it is best to increase tsu, tco constraints, the speed will be faster. (2008-11-09, VHDL, 1KB, 下载34次)


[Windows编程] MyClock

可调时钟 实验要求:1.能正常显示一天24小时时间 2.具有清零、各位均可调功能 3.按钮设置防抖 4.可调不能通过将该位置零,然后用计数器连续加1的方法实现,并且实现每一位都单独可调
Adjustable clock Experimental requirements: 1. To show the normal 24 hours a day 2. Has cleared, you can transfer function 3. Button to set up Anti-Shake 4. Adjustable position can not be zero, and then use the counter of one continuous method, and realize every single adjustable (2008-08-27, VHDL, 477KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] anEncryptesystem

Encryption and decryption of a program, and on the (2008-08-09, VHDL, 399KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] yibuqinglin

含异步清0和同步时钟使能的4位加法计数器 含计数使能,异步复位和计数值并行预置功能4位加法计数器,由实验图1所示,图中间是4位锁存器 rst是异步清信号,高电平有效 clk是锁存信号 D[3..0]是4位数据输入端.当ENA为 1 时,多路选择器将加1器的输出值加载于锁存器的数据端 当ENA为 0 时将"0000"加载于锁存器.
With asynchronous and synchronous clock clearance 0 enabled four adder counter with count enable, asynchronous reset and preset functions of numerical parallel adder four counters, by the experiment shown in Figure 1, Figure 4 middle latch rst is asynchronous clearance signal, high effective signal clk is Latched D [3 .. 0] is 4-bit data input. When ENA for 1:00, MUX will increase the output value of 1 load in latch data terminal when the ENA for the 0:00 to 0000 add-in latch. (2008-06-28, VHDL, 62KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] bank

Model-based design, a simple CPU design and realization of the basic commands, such as add, subtract, transfer. (2008-06-27, VHDL, 1501KB, 下载15次)


[Windows编程] 1002016p_Sa

设计一个两位全加器,并用发光二极管显示结果。全加器的三个输入(二个数字输入,一个进位输入)用实验箱中W1,SW2,SW3控制,二个输出用发光管LED1,LED2显示。整个设计采用层次设计方法,顶层文件采用原理图输入法。整个电路设计思路分三部分: 1半加器电路设计; 2.全加器电路设计,是在半加器的基础上设计的; 3.数据输入,输出电路设计。
The design of a two full-adder, and the result will be displayed using light-emitting diodes. Full adder of the three inputs (two digital input, a binary input) with the experimental box W1, SW2, SW3 control, two output with LED LED1, LED2 display. Used throughout the design-level design methodology, the top-level schematic document using the input method. The whole circuit design divided into three parts: one half adder circuit design 2. Full adder circuit design, in the half adder based on the design 3. Data input and output circuit design. (2008-04-20, VHDL, 34KB, 下载4次)
