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[图形图象] ffedbo029

f明FPU的演算法以及浮 c 算式中的加 p乘除 (2017-11-29, Video, 239KB, 下载1次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] example3_counter_add_up

VHDL language implementation of the digital display and control of the button, in the control of the button can be achieved even add, even the function of the display. (2016-05-26, Video, 35KB, 下载1次)


[android开发] test

it is a test!it is a test!it is a test!it is a test!it is a test!it is a test! (2015-12-08, Video, 1720KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] YAFENGJI

CONGTOR YA (2014-12-22, Video, 144KB, 下载2次)


[图形图像处理] Image-Stabilization-Algorithm

提出的基于灰度投影的快速电子稳像算法是将两维图像转化为一维投影曲线, 然后进行一维相关运算求出运动矢量, 因此计算量小速度快, 且算法是对灰度图像进行直接处理, 处理的信息反映了图像的整体特征并有效地抑制了噪声, 因此具有较高的稳像精度. 该算法经试验证明具有较好的稳像效果, 并已进行了基于FPGA 的硬件实现。
Based on the proposed fast electronic image stabilization gray projection algorithm is a two-dimensional image into a one-dimensional projection curve, then a one-dimensional motion vector obtained correlation operation, so a small amount of fast computing speed, and the algorithm is a gray image direct processing, information processing reflects the overall characteristics of the image and the noise is effectively suppressed, and therefore has a higher stabilization accuracy test proved that this algorithm has a good stabilization effect, and have been achieved based on FPGA hardware . (2014-04-29, Video, 227KB, 下载12次)


[单片机开发] 8G28SCH

创维液晶彩电(LCD TV 8G28)图纸,对维修者有用
SKYWORTH LCD TV 8G28 drawings, useful for repair (2013-10-08, Video, 1863KB, 下载2次)


[技术管理] 8G29-core-SCH-DEBUG

SKYWORTH 8G29 core circuit principle (2013-10-08, Video, 589KB, 下载2次)



SKYWORTH 8G29 LCD TV repair manual (2013-10-08, Video, 617KB, 下载10次)


[单片机开发] 21T66AA3t36

Skyworth color TV variety circuit, collecting a long time to collect so much, hope to be able to help everyone (2013-08-08, Video, 1KB, 下载2次)


[系统设计方案] dvr_sch_for_hi3515

dvr chip schematics, details based on Hayes chips. (2013-07-24, Video, 463KB, 下载5次)


[图片显示] arthas

一张失传的照片,阿尔萨斯。米奈希尔 还未堕落的照片,在网上已经找不到了
A lost photos, Alsace. Menethil has not fallen photos, the Internet has not found a (2013-06-07, Video, 286KB, 下载1次)


[Windows CE] MJP

WINCE下视频播放器,自举解压缩 视频文件为JPEG帧系列加11025*8位声音
The video player WINCE, since for compressed Video file as JPEG frame series and 11025* 8 a voice (2012-01-14, Video, 2512KB, 下载8次)



一篇关于压缩感知的经典文章,压缩感知(Compressed sensing,简称CS,也称为Compressive sampling)理论异于近代奈奎斯特采样定理,它指出:利用随机观测矩阵可以把一个稀疏或可压缩的高维信号投影到低维空间上,然后再利用这些少量的投影通过解一个优化问题就可以以高概率重构原始稀疏信号,并且证明了这样的随机投影包含了原始稀疏信号的足够信息。
A classic article on compressed sensing, compressive sensing (Compressed sensing, referred to as CS, also known as Compressive sampling) different from the modern theory of the Nyquist sampling theorem, which states: the use of a random measurement matrix can be sparse or compressible high-dimensional signal projected to low dimensional space, and then use a small amount of projection by solving an optimization problem to be sparse with high probability to reconstruct the original signal, and prove that random projection of the original sparse signal contains enough information. (2011-04-10, Video, 102KB, 下载57次)


[处理器开发] 444444

Series combination of mobile phone chips Daquan development from a single function call to call plus advanced entertainment features powerful (2010-08-08, Video, 7KB, 下载3次)


[数值算法/人工智能] SPSS

The main purpose of PCA is to use fewer variables to explain most of the variation of the original data will be in our hands a number of highly relevant independent variables into each other or irrelevant variables. Is usually higher than the original number of variables selected less able to explain most of the information in the variation of several new variables, called principal components, and to explain the comprehensive index of information. Thus, principal component analysis is a kind of dimension reduction methods. (2010-06-01, Video, 1152KB, 下载9次)


[文章/文档] video

电视原理课件 总结了很多的.俞斯乐的.高等教育出版社
Principle of Television courseware summed up a lot. (2010-03-29, Video, 20090KB, 下载7次)


[其他游戏] atz15pxsb02

哈哈小游戏是当前最流行的小游戏软件, 推出以来就受到玩家的追捧。游戏整合了互联网上万个小游戏,连连看、 黄金矿工,拳皇2000,泡泡龙、俄罗斯方块、罪案现场、热血格斗;做饭小游戏,化妆小游戏、动作小游戏、益智小游戏、 射击小游戏、冒险小游戏、棋牌小游戏……应有尽有
Haha game is the most popular game software, since it was launched by the players in hot pursuit. Tens of thousands of games to integrate the Internet game, Lianliankan, gold miners, The King of Fighters 2000, Puzzle Bobble, Tetris, crime scene, blood fighting cooking game, make-up game, action game, puzzle small game, shooting game, adventure game, chess game ... ... everything (2009-08-06, Video, 1739KB, 下载79次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] FSAE

Stuttgart University Fsae precious video, a detailed analysis of changes in lateral force, and other manipulation of the stability of performance, can roll, pitch, yaw under three modal decoupling control (2009-07-23, Video, 7708KB, 下载49次)
