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[其他智力游戏] 俄罗斯方块

1. 进入俄罗斯方块游戏,控制方块下落,落下的方块越多,得到的积分越高。 2. 消除一排砖块,增加累计积分,同时也会有更多的空间。 3. 当砖块到达顶层,游戏结束。
1. Enter the Tetris game and control the falling of the diamonds. The more diamonds you drop, the higher the score you get. 2. Eliminate a row of bricks, increase the accumulated points, and there will be more space. 3. When the bricks reach the top, the game is over. (2020-02-25, Dev C++, 408KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] tetrisCPP

Tetris game, you can run directly under the windows. (2016-10-17, Dev C++, 450KB, 下载2次)
