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[论坛] go-bbs

一个基本功能完整的CLD分层项目 ,由Go语言开发。项目主要功能有:基于MD5加密与加盐密码存储方式 ,登录验证。 实现登录状态检查 ,为游客与已登录用戶展 不同界面与功能。支持上传头像 ,实现发布帖子 ,添加好友 ,私信 ,帖子 点赞等功能。利用Docker配置MySQL主从数据库、后端服务、Nginx实现动静分离 ,负载均衡与高可用 Redis集群等服 务。
A CLD layered project with complete basic functions, developed by Go language. The main functions of the project are: login verification based on MD5 encryption and salt password storage. Realize login status check, and display different interfaces and functions for tourists and logged in users. It supports uploading avatars, publishing posts, adding friends, private messages, and likes posts. Docker is used to configure MySQL master and slave databases, back-end services, Nginx to achieve dynamic and static separation, load balancing, highly available Redis clusters and other services. (2024-02-19, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)
