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[软件设计/软件工程] source-code

Line detection based on the quality of law compressed natural gas filling machine. Main features: 1) real-time display of test data and curves 2) Set the test device operating parameters 3) Set the basic information of the biopsy apparatus 4) a variety of ways details of test records, test results are recorded 5) clean and clear redundant records in the database 6) accurately print the certificate, notice of test results, test records, test detailed list of test results statements. (2013-05-20, Visual Basic, 32KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] cvery_291809

ksdfjksdlfjkdslfjksldfajklsdajfksldfsdhfjsdkfhjkdsfhjksaljfsd (2010-04-09, Visual Basic, 106KB, 下载5次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Discriminantanalysisandclusteranalysis

This document includes the software used in multivariate statistical analysis of discriminant analysis and cluster analysis of the main methods (including distance discriminant analysis, Fisher discriminant analysis, Bayesian discriminant analysis, stepwise discriminant analysis and cluster analysis) the principle of and in the software used in the design of the basic methods and a detailed flow chart to explain, in reading through this document one of the software and then to determine the overall understanding of the analysis you want to use methods (2009-05-12, Visual Basic, 1893KB, 下载47次)


[软件设计/软件工程] shiquzefang

Optional urban room, through the layer stack to achieve superposition of the optional search function room area. (2009-04-27, Visual Basic, 157KB, 下载10次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 2007102415224565182

Have a high reference value to the process add Thesis, suspicious better assist you to complete mission (2009-03-16, Visual Basic, 687KB, 下载3次)
