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[搜索引擎] wlkspcj_v2.0

本程序为手机视频网站微录客采集程序。 占用空间小,建站成本低,无需等待,马上就可以拥有海量网站数据; 免更新免维护,管理方便,操作简单,实现全站后台管理的全自动采集; 实现内容页URL路径伪静态功能,让各大搜索引擎收录更加友好;
This program for mobile video site micro record collection procedures. Small footprint, low cost, no need to wait, you can have a massive web site data Free maintenance, easy to manage, easy to operate, and realize the full automatic collection of background management Achieve content pages URL path pseudo static function, so that the search engine included more friendly (2015-12-14, Visual Basic, 246KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] websearch14566

HTML pages analysis weapon, which can be customized to the needs of information, Direct Search through targeted customer Jimmy was a flood of Internet information. (2006-05-31, Visual Basic, 100KB, 下载56次)
