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[超算/并行计算] Laplacetest

CUDA enables the use of remote sensing digital image processing the basic algorithm in the Laplace operator, and were achieved using Globalmemory, Sharedmemory, Texturememory data transmission, but also with the serial code CPU time comparison and error analysis. In order to facilitate the test run in the server environment, we have removed in the Windows environment for third-party remote-sensing image library GDAL library dependencies, but will switch to remote sensing image data into a binary image format, for the output images are also stored in the same binary format . Image Effect Picture through professional remote-sensing software, PCI or universal image processing software PhotoshopCS4 open. Finally, we calculated the results of the error analysis and speedup analysis. (2010-02-04, Unix_Linux, 3KB, 下载5次)


[超算/并行计算] fpi

pi of parallel computing, this Example can know the basic structure of parallel computing, the program is prepared fortran plus mpi (2008-05-27, Unix_Linux, 1KB, 下载5次)
