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按平台查找All Multisim(10) 

[硬件设计] 直流稳压加保护

The DC voltage stabilizing protection circuit designed by Multisim software has AC signal to DC signal and voltage limiting protection. Finally, the optical coupling isolation device is used as the switch to drive the follow-up device (2020-12-24, Multisim, 88KB, 下载3次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] 全加器

A full adder is designed with 74LS153, a double four out of one data selector. Design the test circuit and record the truth table of full adder. (2020-07-03, Multisim, 86KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Design完整电路

The moderator presets 100 points for each group. The moderator presses the prepare button to announce that he is ready to answer and describe the topic. Determine if there is a violation answerer, if there is a violation answerer ahead of time (the red light on the contestant answering desk lights up and emits a sound), then declare the failure of this question and do violation handling (point reduction or warning), then return to the previous step; Otherwise, the host presses the start answering button to announce the start of answering. The contestant presses his corresponding answer button, and the green light corresponding to the successful contestant lights up and makes a sound. If the player answers the question correctly, the host will add 10 points to it, otherwise 10 points will be deducted. Then proceed to the next question or announce the end of the rush response. (2020-04-20, Multisim, 982KB, 下载0次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] 汉明码

Firstly, the transmitter is divided into 10 frequency, a segment of m-sequence pseudo-random signal is generated by m-sequence generator, a bit of serial pseudo-random signal is converted into four bits of parallel data, the output Hamming code is obtained by hamming code encoder, the noisy Hamming code is obtained by noise generator, and then the decoded signal is obtained by decoding and de-noising the signal Finally, the parallel decoded signal is transformed into a serial sequence. (2020-04-09, Multisim, 23KB, 下载0次)


[其他] full-adder

The full adder simulation example based on Multisim is made by using double 74LS151 chips. (2019-06-19, Multisim, 99KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 维也纳整流

PSIM simulation of three-phase Vienna rectifier with adjustable closed-loop (2019-02-19, Multisim, 15KB, 下载24次)


[通讯编程] xinhao

In this paper, a digital baseband transmission model is established, which uses the double polarity Zero code as the digital baseband signal, and the transmit filter and the receiving filter have the Nyquist filter with square root rise and cosine roll down characteristics (2018-06-07, Multisim, 1KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Design1

Design of Butterworth three order low pass filter (2018-04-25, Multisim, 87KB, 下载5次)


[书籍源码] 戴维南定理

戴维南定理multisim仿真, 1. 验证戴维南定理的正确性,加深对该定理的理解。 2. 掌握测量有源二端网络等效参数的一般方法。
Thevenin's theorem Multisim Simulation (2017-11-01, Multisim, 200KB, 下载11次)


[matlab编程] beiyesi

matlab Bayesian-decision (2017-10-26, Multisim, 31KB, 下载1次)
