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按分类查找All 射击游戏(18) 

[射击游戏] shogun

James Clavell s Shōgun , (2020-03-15, ZIL, 333KB, 下载0次)


[射击游戏] The-Memory-Interface_files

tt ppppp oooooooooo uuu rrr fff ddd ccc ee www a qqqqqq v n mm ,,,,,, jjjjjjjjj
tt ppppp oooooooooo uuu rrr fff ddd ccc ee www a qqqqqq v n mm ,,,,,, jjjjjjjjj (2017-04-09, Altium, 862KB, 下载1次)


[射击游戏] pyqtris_v1_01_src

Simple python development of small game, using pyQT, to achieve the classic game Tetris. (2013-07-17, Python, 14KB, 下载10次)


[射击游戏] shootWolfNotSheep

An Android game, the game interface is a network grid, Pleasant or Wolf will randomly appear in one or some of the grid, Wolf points plus a point, point Pleasant minus one point. But the mechanism of this game minus points have a small problem, always lag step judgment is less points or extra points. (2013-06-04, Java, 1557KB, 下载9次)


[射击游戏] Cannon

Qt to achieve, including cannon fired bullets and target appear, hit+20 points, did not hit-10 points, the initial 100 points (2012-12-22, C/C++, 555KB, 下载7次)


[射击游戏] TankWar

自己编写的坦克大战游戏,没有使用其它引擎。 玩法与经典坦克大战类似,新加一个大招。 支持双人游戏。 共设10关。 当时初学,代码规范不好,但运行效果不错。
Battle City game, I have written no other engine. Play similar to the classic Battle City, added a big strokes. Support for a double game. A total of 10 off. Beginner, the code specification is not good, but run well. (2012-07-23, Java, 1604KB, 下载12次)


[射击游戏] galactic

MATALAB games (2011-12-01, MathCAD, 6KB, 下载4次)


[射击游戏] shoot_MFC

MFC 自编射击类小游戏 控制台 hero可以上下左右移动,且有5点生命,下掉物品有血瓶 可以加血
MFC shoot (2011-10-13, C++, 324KB, 下载12次)


[射击游戏] 3Dgungame

" 3D shooting game" The game is mainly: to construct a 3-dimensional environment, a number of obstacles placed in the environment and a number of people are free to move 3D models, there is no destruction of the enemy. In this environment, set up two players, two players via network link. Within the specified time a player is to destroy another player win. Another option is for stand-alone game, requiring players within the specified time to kill all the enemies. (2011-08-29, Visual C++, 33477KB, 下载230次)


[射击游戏] 225t

3D射击游戏 生动有加 正是有利 让人生林迄今
3D shooting game is lively and has added benefit to forest life so far (2011-05-30, Visual Basic, 529KB, 下载8次)


[射击游戏] Russian-square-game-source-code-

Russian square, oneself beginners, please multi-directions, definitely pass the test (2011-05-14, Visual C++, 210KB, 下载5次)


[射击游戏] sheji

A simple shooting game, hit the extra points, missed the cut points. An esc is launched (2010-08-08, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[射击游戏] chaonv

Change and a simple Tetris game Shooting (2010-03-23, Visual C++, 1059KB, 下载9次)


[射击游戏] fighting2

在抗战中,由国民政府领导的中国空军是所有国民党军队中抗战最为彻底,也最为英勇的部队,虽然开战之初力量悬殊,但是面对穷凶极恶的日本侵略者,他们毫不畏惧,视死如归,全力以赴投身到民族救亡的伟业中去,用自己的鲜血和生命谱写了中华民族最为豪迈的诗篇。自一九三二年二月五日“一• 二八”事件始,至一九四五年八月十四日止,抗战期间,共出动飞机一千一百二十八批,八千八百四十七架次,击落敌机五百二十九架,击伤敌机一百一十架,炸毁敌机二百二十七架。同时,中国空军空战中一共牺牲空勤人员六百六十一名。 我至今仍然清楚的记得,在抗日战争即世界反法西斯战争胜利50周年的时候,我在一本描述抗战空军的书里第一次看到阎海文烈士那年青的面孔时所带来的震撼,第一次看到高志航、沈崇海等空军烈士的事迹时所带来的感动,第一次听说碧山空战时的无奈。 时至今日,已经很少有人能够记得在中国的天空献身的抗日英雄们,我只能引用下面这句话来表达我的心情:“你们的名字无人知晓,你们的业绩与世长存! ” 我的这款游戏取名为《览桥风光》,以纪念从览桥中央航校走出的英雄们。
The J2ME Wireless Toolkit implements OBEX transfer over simulated Bluetooth and infrared connections. The simulated infrared connection follows the IrDA standard defined by the Infrared Data Association. The toolkit simulates infrared transfers between multiple running emulators. You can configure the Bluetooth and OBEX environment using the Bluetooth/OBEX tab in the toolkit preferences. This controls such parameters as how long the emulator attempts to discover other devices in the simulated Bluetooth environment and the maximum packet size. See the toolkit s User s Guide for more details. Local Files and Personal Information The J2ME Wireless Toolkit supports JSR 75, the PDA Optional Packages for the J2ME Platform, which also includes two independent APIs: The FileConnection API gives MIDlets access to a local file system on the device. The Personal Information Management (PIM) optional package includes APIs for manipulating contact lists, calendars, (2009-05-27, Java, 50KB, 下载20次)


[射击游戏] feijishanshec

c语言版飞机闪射,有增加了很多新功能 ,一键加血,记录上次分数
c language version of the aircraft Shanyi, a lot of new features, plus a bond of blood, the previous record score (2007-05-24, C/C++, 10KB, 下载9次)


[射击游戏] smallprogram

游戏规则: 按w键是控制自己的飞机(天使)向上。 按S键向下,A键向左,D键向右,r键重来,e键退出 发弹:指着本程序介面按鼠标左键. 开始时:你的生命值只有3,而子弹数只有2 当你的子弹射到了敌人时,敌人的生命也会减一,当敌人的生命值减到0时,你就赢. 当你的子弹射到了敌人时,同时天上也会掉下一颗子弹,当你捡到一个子弹后,你的子弹数得到补充; 如你的子弹数减至0或你的生命值减至0你就会输。 秘技: 按y键你的子弹数就加1; 按o键你的生命值就加1. 不过如果你技术好的话唔用秘技也能赢。
rules of the game : w keys on the control of the aircraft (Angel) upwards. According to the S button down, and left keys A, D keys right, r bond return, e withdraw from the key rounds : Pointing to the interface procedures by the left mouse button. at the beginning : you only have three lives, while only a few bullets when you two bullets to fire at the enemy, the enemy of life will lower one. When the enemies of life reduced the value 0, you win. When you fire the bullets of the enemy, while the sky will fall a bullet, when you picked up a bullet, you get to add a few bullets; if you reduce the number of bullets 0 or your life value to 0 you will lose. Camp : y keys on your bullets on the plus a few; o bond by your value on the lives of an increase. But if you take good technology used ca (2006-06-27, Visual Basic, 55KB, 下载4次)


[射击游戏] sheji0001

is a shooting game that are exciting and fun, the success of which will increase the difficulty and the failure to reduce the degree of difficulty. (2006-05-11, FlashMX, 446KB, 下载144次)


[射击游戏] 用空格发射炮弹的游戏

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