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[多显示器编程] Build-array-and-waveform-display

Build array and waveform display (2012-03-18, LabView, 7KB, 下载21次)


[多显示器编程] 自习

村代码并检查小别墅的可用性,如果房间或小别墅可用,则接受预订的详细信息,通过访问 Booking.dat 文件中最后一个预订编号并加 1 来生成新的预订编号,确保顾客名不为空,而且联系电话大于 0,将记录保存到 Booking.dat 文件中,更新 Hotel.dat 或 Resort.dat 文件,以反映当前房间或小别墅的
village code and check the availability of small villas, room or villa available, will accept reservations for the detailed information, visit Booking.dat final document a booking number and an increase to generate new booking numbers to ensure that customers were not empty, and contact telephone number greater than 0, Booking.dat record keeping to document, update or Resort.dat Hotel.dat document to reflect the current room or small house (2005-10-31, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载3次)


[多显示器编程] SpliterView

a separate window plus local video showed a small collection procedures. Analog and multi-channel video display (2005-01-12, Visual C++, 51KB, 下载329次)


[多显示器编程] dos game

DOS 下一个简单的俄罗斯方块游戏
DOS a simple game of Tetris (2004-10-22, C/C++, 1199KB, 下载5次)
