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[IP电话/视频会议] videoconf

videoconf:hexchat插件pour réaliser des videos conférence(2014年维也纳项目que je met en ligne pour maémoire),
videoconf: hexchat plugin pour réaliser des videos conférence (vieux projet de 2014 que je met en ligne pour ma mémoire), (2019-01-25, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[IP电话/视频会议] video_procedure

BoinxTV template and video recording procedure for ChicagoRuby meetings. Guidelines for walk-around-the-conference videos., (2013-10-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[IP电话/视频会议] VideoGameDesign2017

Video Game Design Entry for Kansas TSA State Conference 2017, (2017-06-07, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[IP电话/视频会议] sfcon2018

“SymfonyCon 2018里斯本会议视频”教程背后的屏幕截图代码、脚本和小狗,
Screencast code, script and puppies behind the "SymfonyCon 2018 Lisbon Conference Videos" tutorial, (2019-09-11, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[IP电话/视频会议] kcdc-if-you-missed-it-2019

Links to videos of Kansas City Developer Conference sessions that were recorded at other conferences., (2019-07-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[IP电话/视频会议] VIS

该视频会议系统包括客户端和服务器端,基于vis h.323类库编写,完全符合H.323标准的规定
The video conference system includes client and server side, write based on vis h.323 libraries, in full compliance with the provisions of the H.323 standard (2015-05-10, Visual C++, 5217KB, 下载14次)


[IP电话/视频会议] 02-telephone-service-system

The telephone service system used to cancle sonethings for companys and the customer care will help many people. (2013-03-17, C#, 974KB, 下载3次)


[IP电话/视频会议] Daila

This system for enterprise telephone customer service system, including the establishment of the database and the function code, for beginners to learn (2012-12-06, SQL, 564KB, 下载3次)


[IP电话/视频会议] chat-video

通过AnyChat音视频互动开发平台(SDK),可以开发具有企业特色的即时通讯系统、视频游戏系统、视频会议系统、网络教学系统以及在线客服系统等,系统的功能、界面完全由企业定制,底层通信协议加密传输,多重安全防护(参考: AnyChat的安全保障措施有哪些?),保密性强。 AnyChat SDK分为客户端SDK和服务器SDK两大部分 联系见下载包“联系方式”文本。
Can develop through AnyChat audio and video interactive development platform (SDK), the instant messaging system with enterprise features, video game systems, video conferencing systems, network teaching system, and online customer service system, the function of the system, the interface is completely customized by the enterprise, the underlying communication the protocol encrypted transmission, multiple security (Reference: What AnyChat security measures?), strong confidentiality. AnyChat SDK divided into the download package client SDK and server SDK two major contact, see " Contact" text. (2012-09-05, Visual C++, 7976KB, 下载16次)


[IP电话/视频会议] telephone-customer-service-system

此源代码是对切叶客服电话而编写的 ,比较适用于中小型企业的客服业务
This source code is written in the leaf-cutting customer service phone, customer service business more suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises (2012-08-18, SQL, 1426KB, 下载3次)


[IP电话/视频会议] BTCSS

Business telephone customer service system (C# 3.5+ MicrosoftAccess2000+ East DJD161A voice card) (2012-05-15, C#, 894KB, 下载19次)


[IP电话/视频会议] Dailasystem

本系统运用现代化的技术,为中小型企业提供现代化的管理手段,提高企业产品信息的收集、处理能力,联动及反映能力,为各级领导和管理人员提供准确、及时的分析数据,提高管理的科学性和工作效率,促进企业管理工作合理化、规范化、系统化。本系统主要实现以下目标:  系统采用人机交互的方式,界面美观友好,信息查询灵活、方便,数据存储安全可靠。  对用户输入的数据,进行严格的数据检验,尽可能的避免人为错误。  客户在拨打企业电话客服时,系统会自动接收、识别并记录来电的主叫号码并显示相应的客户信息。  客户电话打入时系统自动播放已设定好的欢迎词。  用户在拨打企业电话客服后,系统会进行自动语音引导,客户通过按键选择,从而可以听到预先设置好的语音咨讯,如企业简介、信息、最新产品等……。所有咨讯信息通过按键即可获得。  外线电话转接到座席电话功能,使来电者可以根据系统提示,转入人工服务,与座席人员直接进行交流。  座席电话转接到座席电话功能。
The system uses modern technology and modern management tools for small and medium-sized enterprises, improve the collection of enterprise product information, processing power, linkage and reflect the ability of leaders and managers at all levels to provide accurate and timely analysis of data to improve managementscientific and operational efficiency, and promote enterprise management rationalization, standardization and systematization. This system is mainly to achieve the following objectives:  system uses human-computer interaction, friendly and beautiful interface, information inquiry is a flexible, convenient, safe and reliable data storage.  data entered by users, strict data validation, as much as possible to avoid human error. Caller ID  customers dial enterprise telephone customer service, the system will automatically receive, identify and record the calls and displays the corresponding customer information.  customer call comes in, the s (2012-04-11, C#, 704KB, 下载9次)


[IP电话/视频会议] qydhkfxt

系统采用人机交互的方式,界面美观友好,信息查询灵活、方便,数据存储安全可靠。 对用户输入的数据,进行严格的数据检验,尽可能的避免人为错误。 客户在拨打企业电话客服时,系统会自动接收、识别并记录来电的主叫号码并显示相应的客户信息。 客户电话打入时系统自动播放已设定好的欢迎词。 用户在拨打企业电话客服后,系统会进行自动语音引导,客户通过按键选择,从而可以听到预先设置好的语音咨讯,如企业简介、信息、最新产品等……。所有咨讯信息通过按键即可获得。 外线电话转接到座席电话功能,使来电者可以根据系统提示,转入人工服务,与座席人员直接进行交流。 座席电话转接到座席电话功能。
System USES man-machine interactive way, beautiful and friendly interface, information query flexible, convenient, data safe storage. User input data, conduct strict inspection data, as far as possible to avoid a human error. Customers in the phone call enterprise customer service, the system will automatically receive, identify and record the calling number and display to corresponding customer information. Customer call in the system automatically play set good words of welcome. Users in the call after call enterprise, the system will automatically voice guidance, customers through the key choice, thus can hear speech set in advance information, such as enterprise introduction, the information, the latest product, etc... . All information information through the buttons can obtain. Outside the telephone transfer to pews phone function, make a caller on the system can hint, turn to the artificial service, and pews personnel directly for communication. Pew pew telephone transfer (2012-02-06, Others, 604KB, 下载3次)


[IP电话/视频会议] call-center

call center (2011-10-13, Visual C++, 106KB, 下载11次)


[IP电话/视频会议] 04

Call system this system uses modern technology, for small and medium enterprises with modern management methods, improve enterprise product information collection, processing ability, linkage and reflection ability, for all levels of leadership and management to provide accurate and timely analysis of data, improve the science of management and work efficiency, the promotion of enterprise management and reasonable to change, standardization, system is changed. (2011-08-17, C#, 688KB, 下载3次)


[IP电话/视频会议] VideoClient

基于客服端/服务端 实现视频通信功能
For video communication (2011-08-03, Visual C++, 2823KB, 下载14次)


[IP电话/视频会议] WEB

:概述   讯通视频语音程序(以下简称BD)是基于网络视频语音文字通讯的一套服务系统。适用于语音聊天室,网络会议,网上在线服务,网上教育,企业客服等 应用。   BD采用B/S形式实现视频聊天,服务端运行在win2000或2003服务器上,客户端使用IE浏览器即可,无需单独安装客户端软件,方便快捷
: almost  Assyria XunTong video voice program (hereinafter referred to as BD) is based on the network video speech text communications set of service system. Applicable to chat room, network conference, online services, online education, enterprise customer service, etc Applications. BD adopts B/S form video chat, the server realize running on win2000 or 2003 server, the client can use IE browser without requiring a separate installation client software, convenient and quick (2011-05-19, Java, 31KB, 下载22次)


[IP电话/视频会议] Daila

Business telephone customer service system, the system uses modern technology to provide SMEs with modern management tools, and improving product information collection, processing, interaction, and reflect the ability of leaders and managers at all levels to provide accurate and timely analysis data. (2011-05-05, C#, 564KB, 下载4次)


[IP电话/视频会议] linphone-3.1.0.tar

sip soft phone, using SIP protocol, you can connect to the sip server to achieve the internal LAN dial-up connection. (2009-05-24, Unix_Linux, 7612KB, 下载111次)


[IP电话/视频会议] MPEG-4(Singapore)

ISO MPEG4新加坡的标准,是做多媒体、IP视频的朋友的参考资料
ISO standard MPEG4 Singapore is doing multimedia, IP Video friends reference (2006-02-24, Windows_Unix, 299KB, 下载21次)
