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[酒店行业] YSZV1UTF8

赢商住酒店运营系统功能模块: 预定 排房 入住 调房 退房 住客管理 订单管理 房态查询 用户管理 房型管理 楼层管理 房号管理 此软件无功能限制,能够满足中小型宾馆酒店的需求,以后将会开放更多功能模块。 用户名:admin 密码:admin888
Function module of win business hotel operation system: Reserve Row houses Check redistribute houses Check out Guest management Order management Room query user management Room management Floor management Room number management This software has no functional limitations and can meet the needs of the small and medium-sized Gaestgiveriet Hotel, and will open more functional modules later. Username: admin Password: Admin888 (2017-06-26, PHP, 8300KB, 下载4次)


[酒店行业] lulu

预定管理 住客管理 信息查询 打印报表 日常业务 各菜单明细说明
Reserve management residents day-to-day business management information query print statements Each menu detail specification (2017-06-19, Visual Basic, 619KB, 下载1次)


[酒店行业] Coffee

The realization of a C# coffee shop order/billing system source code, C/S mode, can also be used for small restaurants to use. (2013-09-21, C#, 2433KB, 下载14次)


[酒店行业] 1

The rice off diamond- with network authentication 11-27- with stress tests (2012-10-25, Visual C++, 8647KB, 下载12次)


[酒店行业] Blog

实现博客功能 具有发博客 删除播客 写等一切功能
The blog feature blog deleted the podcasts and writing (2012-04-25, ASP, 74KB, 下载3次)


[酒店行业] PieClient

Is a small restaurant customer ordering system, using vc++ programming. (2011-09-11, Visual C++, 1884KB, 下载21次)


[酒店行业] dengji

实现旅馆入住登记,退房登记,以及住客信息查询等功能··· (2011-07-06, Visual Basic, 406KB, 下载4次)


[酒店行业] Wireless-order-system

无线点菜系统是专门针对现代连锁餐饮行业的经营管理系统,采用目前最为先进的2.4G无线通信用技术及触摸屏设备实现点菜、下单、打印结帐单等,操作界面简捷,功能强大。主要功能包括前台知客接待、开台点菜、收银结帐等。 无线点餐系统可以满足服务生零距离服务顾客、零距离通知后厨,分担前台管理的工作压力,在节约人力、物力的基础上还可以实现高效、快捷的服务理念;无线点菜系统,硬件设备投资少,无线环境安装配置简单。
Wireless order system is designed for the modern food industry chain management system that uses the most advanced 2.4G current wireless communication technology and touch-screen device for ordering, order, print billing statements, etc., user interface simple and powerful. Key features include front Zhike reception, Founding a la carte, such as cash register checkout. Wireless ordering system to meet customer service waiter distance, distance notification Houchu, shared front desk management, work stress, in saving human and material resources can be achieved on the basis of efficient and quick service concept wireless ordering system, hardware less investment in equipment installation and configuration simple wireless environment. (2011-04-10, C/C++, 184KB, 下载113次)


[酒店行业] Chapter11

酒店客服管理 方便用户登录和管理员的管理 希望大众喜欢
just soso (2011-01-11, Visual Basic, 433KB, 下载3次)


[酒店行业] daima

The restaurant management system widely used in small and medium-sized restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, restaurants, and other places. For the convenience of hotel management staff more effective management of the hotel and the development of (2009-06-18, Visual C++, 3622KB, 下载42次)


[酒店行业] guestroom

www (2009-06-05, Visual C++, 544KB, 下载15次)


[酒店行业] HotelManage

C# prepared by the hotel management system, including the staff of the hotel management, guest management, billing and other financial functions, in any case is a very complete (2009-04-17, Visual C++, 1183KB, 下载38次)


[酒店行业] softhy976c

This is a hotel management system, very good, hotel customer service management system, complete set can be used (2009-03-26, Visual C++, 497KB, 下载5次)


[酒店行业] jdywgl

Hotel management system' s main goal is to achieve a variety of hotel management, internal electronic, automation, improve each module between the office efficiency and provide a guarantee of high-quality hotel services. (2009-02-26, Visual C++, 133KB, 下载1次)


[酒店行业] kefangguanglixitong

客房管理系统,客房管理系统客 房管理系统
Room management system, hotel management system hotel management system (2008-03-15, VFP, 679KB, 下载5次)


[酒店行业] xingjijiudaixitong

星级酒店管理系统,提供所有星级酒店管理中的客房管理, 房态管理,客史管理,客人资料管理,帐务管理,报表管理,餐饮收费管理 菜谱管理,夜审处理,数据库备份等功能.所有功能皆可以运行,(但有一些BUG未处理) 此代码完全可以完成星级酒店上述管理功能.
Star hotel management system, provide all the stars in hotel management in the hotel management, availability management, customer history management, customers data management, account management, reporting management, catering management recipe fee management, night-trial processing, database backup function. all the features of both can run, (but there are some BUG untreated) This code is entirely possible to complete the above-mentioned management functions-star hotel. (2007-05-17, Visual Basic, 523KB, 下载92次)


[酒店行业] j_10366_soft_hotel

1、全面展示宾馆的自然情况和服务内容; 2、介绍宾馆信息,帮助客人了解宾馆相关信息; 3、为客户提供宾馆所在地旅游景点的详细信息; 4、向客户全面提供宾馆客服信息; 5、实现网上在线定房业务,方便客人订房; 6、实现留言板功能,客人可以随时通过网站填写反馈信息; 7、通过后台管理网站初始化信息; 8、实现后台对前台信息、上传图片的管理功能; 9、管理前台景点信息; 10、通过后台管理宾馆客服信息; 11、通过后台管理人员可以管理客人订房信息; 12、管理人员可随时管理客人的反馈信息; 13、系统最大限度地实现了易安装性、易维护性和易操作性; 14、系统运行稳定、安全可靠。
a comprehensive display of the natural Hotels and services; 2, information on hotels, Hotels help guests understand the relevant information; 3 to provide clients with hotels located tourist attractions detailed information; 4. to provide customers comprehensive Hotels customer information; 5, the realization of the fixed-line business, to facilitate customers booking; 6. realize the message board function, guests can fill in at any time through the site feedback information; 7. Site management through background initialization information; 8, the prospects of achieving background information, upload pictures of the management function; 9. management of future attractions; 10, Hotels customer service management background information; 11. through background management staff can manage gues (2007-03-06, ASP, 3761KB, 下载53次)


[酒店行业] 5ivb_075576

星级酒店管理系统最初功能演示版,提供所有星级酒店管理中的客房管理, 房态管理,客史管理,客人资料管理,帐务管理,报表管理,餐饮收费管理 菜谱管理,夜审处理,数据库备份等功能.所有功能皆可以运行,
star hotel management system functional demonstration version of the original, with all the stars of hotel management Rooms management, the state management, customer management history, the client information management, account management, report management, catering management fees menu management, Night trial processing, database backup capabilities. All Gong both can run, (2006-02-28, Delphi, 4857KB, 下载183次)


[酒店行业] 永辉合同管理系统

against reservations center in the hotel contract management. Management competence of caretakers and salesmen, etc.. (2006-01-26, Visual Basic, 249KB, 下载16次)


[酒店行业] 酒店管理系统需求分析

With the development of tourism, hotel, restaurant, and entertainment industries increasingly developed, the introduction of comprehensive computer services and computer management is increasingly popular. Meanwhile, hotels and restaurants to introduce computer entertainment services and management has made good economic and social benefits. Therefore, the Ministry of Construction has recently made clear : all-star hotels in the project's approval, its design must include computer management system, otherwise, not creation. Visibility, hotel management computerized inevitable. Hotel management system of advanced computer technology with modern hotel management services to the perfect combination to achieve accommodation, catering, entertainment brand new concept of service and manageme (2005-06-23, Visual Basic, 35KB, 下载2093次)
