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按分类查找All MySQL数据库(4) 
按平台查找All Java(4) 

[MySQL数据库] CafeManagement

Cafe Management System using Java, SpringBoot and Mysql for Backend and Angular for Frontend(in Progress), (2023-09-23, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] 8101端口数据库

问道私服1.60数据库 草关,服务端请自行别处查询!
Asked private servers 1.60 database of grass (2019-01-17, Java, 187KB, 下载7次)


[MySQL数据库] DumpTools

1.修改config中dumpConfig.properties源数据库配置 2.修改config中dumpConfig.properties目标数据库配置,并创建一个db.target.schema值名字的数据库,不创建工具会自动创建 3.配置config中dumpConfig.properties开服时间配置 4.humanids=设置想要导出的玩家id(支持多玩家用,分隔) 5.个人表配置 (表明名,与角色id关联字段名字)注:个人表知道出相关数据 6.忽略表配置 注:忽略表不导出数据 7.个人表,忽略表除外其他表全部导出
1. modify the dumpConfig.properties source database configuration in config 2. modify the dumpConfig.properties target database configuration in config and create a database with the name of the db.target.schema value, which will be created automatically without the creation of the tool 3. configuration config dumpConfig.properties open service time configuration 4.humanids= settings you want to export the ID game player (support play home, separated) 5. individual table configuration (name, name, role ID association field name) Note: the personal table knows the related data 6. ignore table configuration note: ignore table do not export data 7. individual tables, except the table, except the other tables. (2017-12-10, Java, 1436KB, 下载1次)


[MySQL数据库] MySQL-book

MySQL on a series of e-learning documents, once and for all, do not find everywhere! (2008-11-20, Java, 4547KB, 下载5次)
