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[酒店行业] Hotel

针对目前酒店电子化管理的实际需求,和消费客户对跨时域地域预订住宿的要求,本需求分析定义的开发酒店管理系统的总体要求是:作为两类用户(一般客户和酒店管理人员)和软件开发员互相了解的基础,系统成品提供用户登录、查询、管理员后台管理等四大功能服务。 系统开发目的:对内是为了使酒店管理更加便捷、高效,员工操作更加明晰、规范,大大提高酒店管理质量。对外是能让用户自助登录、查询酒店住房信息和酒店服务、实现零距离实时预定酒店房间,为客户提供舒心的出行住宿保证,提高社会效益。 本需求分析包含了初步分析设计各功能模块、提供性能要求、对用户影响的信息、以及对各功能模块功能的描述;同时也是规范开发人员进行设计和部署实施的基础和依据,为整体工作组的工作流程做出明确指导,引导工作组员之间、工作组员与用户之间的沟通。最终作为总体审核、验证、确认和结项验收的依据;为开发方与客户方提供合法的合同保障。
Actual demand for the current requirements of electronic management of the hotel, and consumer customers for cross-temporal area of ​ ​ the booked stay, this needs analysis to define the general requirements of the development of hotel management system is: as two types of users (usually customers and hotel managers) and Software developers on the basis of mutual understanding, the system provides refined user login, query, four Function Administrator backstage management services. System Development Objective: internal management in order to make the hotel more convenient, efficient staff to operate more clear, standardized, greatly improving the quality of hotel management. Foreign buffet is allows users to log, query the hotel housing information and hotel services, to achieve a predetermined distance in real time the hotel room, to provide comfortable travel accommodations to ensure and improve social benefits. The needs analysis contains a preliminary analysis of the f (2015-11-10, Java, 1593KB, 下载16次)


[酒店行业] HotelOrderManagementSystem

1、服务员信息的管理:查询、增、删、改 2、菜单信息的管理:查询、增、删、改 3、厨师信息的管理:查询、增、删、改 4、房间信息的管理:查询、增、删、改 5、餐桌信息的管理:查询、增、删、改 6、前台定桌:顾客可以根据自己的需求,选择不同型号的房间或大厅 7、房间/大厅点菜:服务员按照用户需求为其点菜并提交菜单给厨房 8、厨师和菜的分组:厨师和菜分别分组,每组厨师和一组菜一一对应,该组每位厨师会做该组所有的菜。(本条目位置) 9、厨师做菜管理:厨师可以获得自己的待做菜单,并对已做的菜进行标记。 10、上菜管理:服务员对已上菜和待上菜进行管理。 11、结帐服务:审核菜单,协助顾客结帐。
1, the attendant information management: query, add, delete, change 2, the menu information management: query, add, delete, change 3, the chef of information management: query, add, delete, change 4, room information management: query, add, delete, change 5, the table information management: query, add, delete, change 6, the front set the table: the customer according to their needs, choose a different type of room or hall 7, room/hall la carte: Attendants in accordance with user demand for a la carte menu and submit to the kitchen 8, chefs and food group: chefs and food groups, respectively, each a group of chefs and food-one correspondence, the group will do each of the group cooks all the dishes. (This entry position) 9, the chef cook Management: chefs can get their own menu to be done, and done the dishes have been marked. 10, serving management: crew have been serving the meal and to be managed. 11, billing services: audit menu, helping customers check out. (2011-04-17, Java, 271KB, 下载22次)
