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[百货/超市行业] ROOT

淘客在线客服管理系统(TaokeOCS V3.2),是一款采用Ajax+Java+MySql技术构建的先进、高效、健壮的在线客服解决方案。作为商业软件产品,TaokeOCS 在代码质量、运行效率、负载能力、安全等级、功能可操控性和权限严密性等方面已在广大用户中获得良好的口碑。
Amoy off-line customer service management system (TaokeOCS V3.2), is a used Ajax+ Java+ MySql technology to build advanced, efficient, robust online customer service solutions. As a commercial software product, TaokeOCS in code quality, operating efficiency, load capacity, security level, function and authority in control of areas such as tightness in the vast numbers of users to gain a good reputation. (2008-05-11, Java, 4861KB, 下载140次)
