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[Windows编程] yarsor__condition__initialization

BEA TUXEDO是在企业,Internet 这样的分布式运算环境中开发和管理三层结构的客 户 服务器型关键任务应用系统的 (2018-05-04, Delphi, 2KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 9-LED8N delphi

LED client display source code, complete code can be called directly, the port is set to COM1 (2017-08-08, Delphi, 8863KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] sunmusic

Sunshine Hall whole station system, cool music system, powerful, beautiful interface with a of more than 1,000 pieces of music (2016-02-28, Delphi, 1483KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] kfldxx

客服来电显示系统 分为服务端和客户端。服务端通过广播来电号码,客服端自动接收显示。一般配合板卡级呼叫中心使用。
Display system customer service call Divided into server and client. The server broadcasts the incoming number, client automatically receives the display. The general coordination board level call center. (2014-04-30, Delphi, 1146KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] 91goDLQ

Legends of three log-source browser, including server settings, customer service client log, server configuration. Sign browser integration. (2009-02-13, Delphi, 921KB, 下载87次)


[Windows编程] SDownLoader

微型下载者 不驻留系统,不修改注册表,加客后4K
micro-not those who download the presence system, which changes the registry, plus passengers 4K (2007-06-05, Delphi, 1KB, 下载20次)


[Windows编程] MailGenie1032src

可 以 让 用 户 在 用 Outlook Express , Netscape 或 是 Eudora 收 信 之 前 , 先 从 邮 件 伺 服 器 上 面 预 览 其 邮 件 标 头 , 可 以 在 收 信 之 前 看 看 有 没 有 垃 圾 信 , 或 是 带 了 病 毒 的 信, 一 旦 发 现 其中 夹 带 了 有 问 题 的 信 件 , 能 让 您 在 将 这 些 可 怕 的 信 件 收 到 自 己 的 电 脑 之 前 还 有 机 会 先 将 之 删 除
allows users to use Outlook Express, Eudora or Netscape prior to receipt of the letter, starting with the mail server above preview their mail headers. Before the receipt of the letter to see if there is garbage letter, or with the letter of the virus, Once found hidden in a letter to the problem, You will be allowed in these terrible letters received before their own computer still have a chance to first delete the (2006-08-19, Delphi, 108KB, 下载24次)
