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[远程控制/远程桌面] binhe2006_duguxike

Glacial rebound Edition- Solitude evening off Zhuanban (20061101 open-source version) (2013-06-14, Delphi, 3264KB, 下载3次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] xiaokeaiV2[1].0

本版本主要是改那个冰河反弹版-独孤夕客专版(20061101开源版) 他都是源于这一个代码的。但又借鉴鸽子1.2 喜欢怎样个性就怎样修改! 你能编译鸽子就绝对可以用.控件文件有 AnimationEffect(D7).rar Indy DynamicSkinForm HotKeySpy 1.01.zip Fastnet_V5.6.3_For_D5D6D7D9D10.zip 好像就这么多了
This version is mainly to change that glacial rebound Edition- Tokgo evening off Zhuanban (20,061,101 open-source version) he is from this one source. 1.2 How do pigeons like to learn but on how to modify the personality! Can you absolutely can use to compile pigeons. The control file has AnimationEffect (D7). Rar Indy DynamicSkinForm HotKeySpy 1.01.zip Fastnet_V5.6.3_For_D5D6D7D9D10.zip seems to be so much more (2009-12-25, Delphi, 596KB, 下载17次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] DGScreenSpy_0.4e

屏幕传输的源代码,改进了算法,传输效率更高。 D7反向連接方式,服務端采用精簡VCL,程序體積比較小 D7正向連接方式
Screen Transfer the source code to improve the algorithm, the transmission more efficient. D7 reverse connection, the server uses to streamline the VCL, program size is relatively small positive connection D7 (2009-11-02, Delphi, 702KB, 下载61次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] binghe

Remote control software source glacier ice rebound Edition-独孤Xi-off feature (open source version 20061101) Direct the compiler to run, you can use, without third-party control. (2008-01-31, Delphi, 2472KB, 下载184次)
