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按分类查找All 金融证券系统(3) 
按平台查找All Jupyter Notebook(3) 

[金融证券系统] stock_DCF

stock_ DCF, Implementation of Teacher Guo Yongqing s "Financial Statement Analysis and Stock Valuation" (2021-01-22, Jupyter Notebook, 304KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] Semantic_Similarity

Semantic_Similarity,(竞赛)蚂蚁金服金融智能 NLP 服务,语义相似度计算
Semantic_ Similarity, Ant Financial Intelligence NLP Service, Semantic Similarity Calculation (2019-04-01, Jupyter Notebook, 8544KB, 下载0次)


[金融证券系统] n_International_Bank_Digital_Creative_Finance_Cup

2021_ Xiamen_ International_ Bank_ Digital_ Creative_ Finance_ Cup, banks have gradually created a variety of customer touchpoints, both online and offline, to meet customers daily business processing, channel transactions, and other needs. In the actual process of conducting wealth management product business, it is necessary to explore the attractiveness of different wealth management products to customer groups, in order to find target customer groups and carry out targeted marketing. (2022-11-20, Jupyter Notebook, 1254KB, 下载0次)
