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[酒店行业] Wireless-order-system

无线点菜系统是专门针对现代连锁餐饮行业的经营管理系统,采用目前最为先进的2.4G无线通信用技术及触摸屏设备实现点菜、下单、打印结帐单等,操作界面简捷,功能强大。主要功能包括前台知客接待、开台点菜、收银结帐等。 无线点餐系统可以满足服务生零距离服务顾客、零距离通知后厨,分担前台管理的工作压力,在节约人力、物力的基础上还可以实现高效、快捷的服务理念;无线点菜系统,硬件设备投资少,无线环境安装配置简单。
Wireless order system is designed for the modern food industry chain management system that uses the most advanced 2.4G current wireless communication technology and touch-screen device for ordering, order, print billing statements, etc., user interface simple and powerful. Key features include front Zhike reception, Founding a la carte, such as cash register checkout. Wireless ordering system to meet customer service waiter distance, distance notification Houchu, shared front desk management, work stress, in saving human and material resources can be achieved on the basis of efficient and quick service concept wireless ordering system, hardware less investment in equipment installation and configuration simple wireless environment. (2011-04-10, C/C++, 184KB, 下载113次)
