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[操作系统开发] Minecraft-Game-Plugin

【游戏插件开源】16年写的 我的世界 PE 服务器 插件,感谢当时购买本插件授权的服主们!感谢支持与鼓励!开源包括 岛屿插件、附魔商店插件、文字商店插件、绵阳印记插件
[Open source game plug-in] I wrote my world PE server plug-in for 16 years, thank the server owners who bought this plug-in authorization at that time! Thank you for your support and encouragement! Open source includes island plug-in, enchant store plug-in, text store plug-in, and Mianyang imprint plug-in (2021-04-17, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)
