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[单片机开发] smtkcms_v2.0.1

Category data collection settings, data collection rules by the number of open-order commission, sorted by the amount of monthly promotion, according to the monthly commission order, so that Taobao customers do clearly in vain (2016-12-11, PHP, 182KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] KPPW1.1_UTF8_build20100909

客客出品专业威客系统英文名称KPPW,也是Keke Produced Professional Witkey的缩写。KPPW 是积客客团队多年实践和对威客模式商业化运作的大量调查分析而精心策划研发,KPPW针对威客任务模型进行了细致的分析,提供完善威客任务流程控制解决方案。
Off passenger Publisher Professional Witkey system English name KPPW, also Keke Produced Professional Witkey abbreviation. KPPW is the product of many years of practice off the guest team and a lot of investigation and analysis of the operating mode of the Wik and carefully planned commercial development, KPPW Witkey task for a detailed analysis model provides excellent Witkey task flow control solutions. (2016-10-25, PHP, 4887KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] paipaike_20130705

Pat off the program, free and open source, to use. Pat off the program, free and open source, to use. Pat off the program, free and open source, to use. (2014-01-19, PHP, 2803KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] taoke

须要配置的地方 1:站点配置 网站名称 和 网站域名 2:淘客配置 里面的3项都很重要,缺一不可,需要填写您自己的信息 淘宝账号 填写的淘宝会员账号,可以是英文或中文。但不可以是abc@abc.com这种邮件格式!这个淘宝账号必须填写正确,因为会决定着PID的走向 淘客PID 淘宝联盟网站用淘宝会员登陆框登陆,进入我的联盟所查看得到的PID App key 和App Secret 填写您自己的,如果没有可以登陆 http://open.taobao.com 去申请 关于服务器为Linux系统的目录权限设置 文件夹Apicache/ 文件夹data/ 文件夹template/ 文件夹给权限777并继承子目录 list.php goods.php 文件给777权限 登陆管理后台 http://您的域名/admin 初始账号为:admin 初始密码为:admin123
Need to configure the local one: Site Configuration Site Name and Domain Name 2: scouring off configuration inside the three are important and indispensable, you need to fill in your own information Taobao account fill Taobao member account, you can be in English or Chinese. But this can not be abc@abc.com mail format! Taobao account must fill this correctly as it will determine the direction of PID PID Taobao Amoy off Taobao Affiliate Member login box with landing, into my view for PID Union App key and App Secret fill in your own, if not you can visit http://open.taobao.com to apply for a Linux system on the server directory permissions set up folders Apicache/folder data/folder template/folder permissions to 777 and inherited subdirectory list.php goods.php file permissions to 777 landing management background http:// your domain/admin account for the initial: admin initial password: admin123 (2013-07-22, PHP, 4558KB, 下载3次)
