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[前端开发] Music-Recommendation-System

A basic Web Application which recommends songs and podcasts to users based on their current mood and experiences. Integrated front-end and back -end using PHP and created a user-friendly UI design. (2022-02-19, PHP, 13547KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] laravel-podcast

Laralve Podcast是Laravel 5.5 web应用程序,使您能够管理您最喜爱的播客的RSS提要,并收听...
Laravel Podcast is Laravel 5.5 web app that enables you to manage RSS feeds for your favorite podcasts and listen to the episodes in a seamless UI and User Authentication. (2023-02-22, PHP, 1759KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] dusker

独立的Laravel Dusk测试服,不需要Laravele框架本身
Stand alone Laravel Dusk test suit, which do not require Laravel framework itself (2019-05-16, PHP, 28KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] geetest

极客3.0 laravel5 vue
geetest 3.0 laravel5 vue (2017-04-28, PHP, 8KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] FourthPay

For the payment system based on WeChat Alipay service provider model, the basic template is based on Larravel admin, which realizes API interface, merchant background, proxy background, merchant API, and website foreground. This project is only for learning (2023-01-05, PHP, 1068KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Afrin

Afrin is a WordPress Blog Theme. Full Responsive Theme for any iOS, Android, Windows - Tablet, Pod, Mobile devices and IE11, Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari. Modify anything with the design, such as the logo, header, background, main colors and more. Three Google web fonts just the right fonts scalable for headings, sub-headings and web copy (2023-03-31, PHP, 199KB, 下载0次)
