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[WEB开发] jialibaotaoke

Shop system (2013-01-06, Asm, 5738KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] xiyico

With the 89c52 micro controller to improve the washing machine to make clothes more efficient, energy saving (2010-10-05, Asm, 1KB, 下载5次)


[DSP编程] aa

8051 development of motor control procedures paternity suit. Walked the length of the electrical control (2007-09-14, Asm, 5KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] chenhaha

achieve laundry washing machine functions, including injection, the interruption in processing, to achieve the basic functions of washing machines (2007-05-27, Asm, 1KB, 下载81次)


[Windows编程] counter.rar

1.40种记数器图片样式自由选择,并且可以方便地增加记数器图片样式。 2.可以设置计数器显示数字,显示位数,计数器是否隐藏等。 3.页面显示记数和唯一IP记数两种记数模式。 4.可以记录来访客的来源IP地址和来源页面信息,在线人数。 5.每月、每天和每小时的访问数据统计。 6.搜索引擎统计,还可以自己定义搜索引擎。 7.注册用户找回密码功能。 8.多用户计数器,具有管理注册用户功能。 9.系统会自动删除过多的以前的无用的来源和在线记录,保证系统快速稳定运行,还可以在线压缩数据库。 10.增加计数器图片样式的方法:把新的计数器图片复制到qqcf_counterpic目录,然后设置样式数量即可。 11.安全性:密码MD5加密,注册、登陆使用验证码,完全防Sql注入
1.40 Species Register Photo style freedom of choice, and can easily increase Register Photo pattern. 2. Can set counter shows the figures show that the median counter whether such hidden. 3. Page shows that in mind, and only a few IP counting both counting patterns. 4. Visitors can be recorded to the source IP address and source of pages of information, the number of online. 5. Monthly, daily and hourly statistics visit. 6. Search engine statistics, but also their own definition of search engines. 7. Registered users retrieve cryptographic functions. 8. Multi-user counter, with a registered user management functions. 9. The system automatically deleted before too many useless sources and online records, ensuring rapid and stable operating system, Compression can also online database. 10. P (2007-04-05, Asm, 411KB, 下载5次)


[汇编语言] VVvary

1为电压转换装置实现的原程序代码 2采用汇编语言 3在伟服6000的开发软件下编译执行
a voltage converter to achieve the original program code compiled using two languages in three 6,000-service software development Compiling under implementation (2007-01-16, Asm, 11KB, 下载3次)
