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[其他书籍] 惯性技术书籍

Three books on inertial navigation system technology, inertial navigation, Qin Yongyuan, initial alignment of inertial navigation, strapdown inertial navigation technology second edition (2020-03-18, Others, 15803KB, 下载11次)


[其他书籍] raspberry_tutorial

Raspberry Pi 3 tutorials, setup the development environment, firmware burned into the method, making the file system, ideally suited for creating customer, worth recommending! (2017-02-09, Others, 3870KB, 下载22次)


[其他书籍] jhggtg

美食羔羊计划YGO ヤクザの極濃雄乳搾り
Gourmet lamb plan za ku の YGO Yakult very strong male breast squeezed ri (2016-01-09, Others, 19306KB, 下载10次)


[其他书籍] Societiesconferenceenterpriseedition.

The national college society President annual meeting and new youth leader BBS "is a national college society President chairman and excellent graduates is given priority to, numerous industries of social elite support is complementary, modern elite and future elite of high-end dialogue platform. Invite all areas of outstanding person, with their extraordinary career and life experience, with their to society" responsibility and Thanksgiving "feelings to unfold and young people share, dialogue, communication. Since the 2005 first annual meeting held since, has successfully hosted the fifth, there are tens of thousands of college students, the extent of directly involved in more than 500 million. The government officials, entrepreneurs, scholars, stars and other social celebrities attend, such as fosun group chairman guo, Google China chief executive kai-fu lee, the global-known vice President of Microsoft Asia, IDG according XiongXiaoGe President, a famous film star jet li, new Orienta (2010-11-20, Others, 941KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] ourdev_268511

单片机开关电源最新应用技术 主编:沙占友 副主编:王彦朋 孟志永等
Application of single-chip switching power supply technology editor of the latest: Associate Editor Zhanyou sand: MENG Zhi-yong王彦朋 (2009-08-18, Others, 7859KB, 下载67次)


[其他书籍] 2010liyoule660

I am very sorry. I thought it can not be mass large files. Therefore, separation of the mass. Now this just fine. Lee Wing-lok in 2010 boundary study section of the mathematical foundations of a 660 question math (2009-05-13, Others, 57509KB, 下载8次)


[其他书籍] Artofcheat

一些黑客毁坏别人的文件甚至整个硬盘,他们被称为电脑狂人(crackers)或计算机破 坏者(vandals)。另一些新手省去学习技术的麻烦,直接下载黑客工具侵入别人的计算机, 这些人被称为脚本小子(script kiddies)。而真正有着丰富经验和编程技巧的黑客,则开发黑 客程序发布到网站或论坛(BBS)。还有一些人对黑客技术没有丝毫兴趣,他们把计算机仅 仅当做窃取金钱、商品和服务的辅助工具。
Some hackers destroy other people (2009-01-09, Others, 975KB, 下载21次)


[其他书籍] 1111111

品质管理全套资料, 所謂品質 (Quality),係指產品或服務的機能或特性之整體,以滿足顧客的需要。
A full set of quality management information, the so-called quality (Quality), means a product or service functions or characteristics of the whole, to meet the needs of customers. (2008-12-31, Others, 1176KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] communication

Fan Changxin communication theory, is a classic that everybody has the hope that it can help Kazakhstan (2008-07-27, Others, 9634KB, 下载50次)


[其他书籍] liyongxin

Well-known teacher Yongxin Shanghai theory to explain how to write, for friends in the Civil Service examination would be of considerable help (2008-04-10, Others, 11KB, 下载20次)


[其他书籍] 30天打造专业红客

systematically described in detail in today's network security and defense industry knowledge, beginners Watchable books. (2005-04-25, Others, 665KB, 下载51次)
