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[微信小程序] golivechat

开源客服系统,智能在线客服系统源码,多商家多坐席SaaS运营版。支持接入ChatGPT或国内大模型,支持微信、抖音、网站、APP全渠道接入,实现全平台AI智能客服系统, stars:1, update:2024-05-13 16:53:10 (2024-05-15, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] yiranpay-cloud

Aggregate payment is a fourth party payment service. In short, the third-party payment provides a fund clearing channel, while the aggregate payment provides a variety of derivative services based on payment. Aggregated payment service "does not have a payment license, but is a comprehensive payment service that aggregates a variety of third-party payment platforms, cooperative banks and other service provider interfaces and other payment instruments. Aggregated payment does not carry out fund clearing, but it can meet the needs of merchants, (2023-08-08, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] it-resource

The IT Knowledge Academy, including numerous courses, various IT learning video tutorials, the latest version, continuously updated, java, c++, front end, background, testing, python, Turing, enjoy learning, Luban, Lagou, Ma Soldier, Muke, geek, black horse, Naixue, Gubo, Java, NetEase Microindustry, Start Bar, Xiaoma, Cloud Analysis College, geek Xiaoma, Dachang College, Jingcheng Yideng, Zhibo Yu Li Nanjiang, Qianfeng, (2023-07-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] 微信小程序源码-合集1

微信小程序源代码,包含:盒马鲜生、轻客洗衣、平安保险、51报名管家、家政预约、美容预约、运动荟、菜谱、麦当劳点餐、购物抽奖等源码 (2022-07-27, Others, 41166KB, 下载2次)
