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[数值算法/人工智能] Open-Science-Radio-Shownotes

展示zu den开放科学广播集(播客)
Shownotes zu den Episoden des Open Science Radios (Podcast) (2024-01-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] bumingbai

Book Recommendation in Bumingbai Podcast, (2022-10-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] awesome-gamedev

A compilation of game dev related media (podcasts, Youtube, article, books, etc..) (2022-10-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Final-Project-LRNR

LRNR is a text-to-speech program that allows you to search, display and read articles in an audiobook/podcast format using Amazon Polly. LRNR will also allow you to grab trending topics from Google for you to stay on top of current events. LRNR can also guide you with related article suggestions so you will always have something new and (2021-01-04, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] Crazyprogrammers

天已经七分黑了,屋里却还没开灯。这个全身黑衣服的男子突然像想起什么,从包里掏出 烟,抽出一只,递给旁边的人:“兄弟,抽烟么?”――那烟是红塔山。 旁边那人连忙一边摆手,一边说:“不,不。”语气有点紧张,好像那黑衣服递过来的不是烟, 是海洛因。 这个黑衣服的男子,后来的网名叫“绝影”。他旁边那个,后来被他们称为“土匪”。这件屋 子,就是他们大学寝室。
It is seven points, but the black house hasn t turn on the light. The body of the man suddenly like black clothes, from the bag of pocket Smoke, and handed out a man: "brothers, smoking?" The smoke is GongDaShan.- The next man hurriedly side motioning with his hand, said: "no, no." A little bit nervous, like the tone black clothes not smoke handed, Is the heroin. The black clothes, then the man called "shadow" net rejects. Next to him, then are they called the "bandits". This house Son, whom they university dormitory. (2010-04-21, Others, 1992KB, 下载1次)
