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[通讯编程] Direct Connect 2 V2.0.2

一个开放源码的免费的P2P客户端软件,用于文件交流,支持中文搜索。它和Neo-Modus公司的Direct Connect使用同一个通讯协议,但比它功能更加强大,可以同时登陆很多服务器。开放源码,绿色软件,也没有广告条。DC是分散服务器型的,服务器端也是免费的,因此适合同一个地域内的用户飞速交换文件。目前全世界有上万个服务器,通过DC共享的资料超过5,000,000GB。
a free open-source peer-to-peer client software for document exchange, support Chinese search. It Neo-Modus Direct Connect companies use the same communication protocol, but higher than its more powerful, while landing many servers. Open source software green, nor of the advertising. DC is decentralized server-based, server-side is also free, making it suitable to the region with a rapid exchange of user documentation. There are now more than 10,000 items of servers, DC by sharing information over 5,000,000 GB. (2005-01-07, C++, 837KB, 下载53次)
