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[*行业应用] CTCT

1. 系统登录 本系统又称为餐厅管理、饭店管理、酒店管理、用餐管理、酒水管理、点菜管理、客服管理系统。为商业级系统,不是毕业课题、毕业论文、课程设计这样简单的源码。3.1 预定空位 选中“大厅1号”,点鼠标右键。弹出小菜单,选择“预定”。如果餐厅维修,也使用预定功能。 3.2 餐桌信息 餐桌或餐厅通常要记录一些特殊信息,例如预定状态要记录预定人的联系方式, 左键选中一个餐间或餐位,输入餐桌预约信息,或损坏停用的起始至停止时间。 3.3 餐厅使用 先选择一个餐厅或餐位,点右键,选择“登记” 在登记界面中,输入客户名称,桌号(餐位)是默认的也可以再修改,登记一下就餐人数等其它信息。 登记完后,显示黄色,表明该餐位正在消费,不能进行预约、使用等其它操作。
1. System Login The system is also known as restaurant management, hotel management, hotel management, meal management, alcohol management, ordering management, customer service management system. 1.1 The selection of meals 1.2 Operator selection Click OK to enter the system after the 2. Code maintenance Click or "menu- tools- code maintenance," the following interface 2.1 meals do not maintain (2010-02-12, VFP, 4096KB, 下载19次)


[网络编程] yundonghui

Track and Field Games Management System which lasted for nearly a decade of development, more than 1000 session practice at all levels to improve all kinds of games have been track and field management center in Zhejiang省体委recognized by the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education Wei body identification experts to obtain the National Copyright . (2008-12-08, VFP, 512KB, 下载41次)


[酒店行业] kefangguanglixitong

客房管理系统,客房管理系统客 房管理系统
Room management system, hotel management system hotel management system (2008-03-15, VFP, 679KB, 下载5次)
